Perempuan di Titik Nol
Apa "titik tertinggi" dalam hidupmu sampai saat ini?
Percayalah, saya belum mencapai hal itu.
Hakikat manusia mungkin selalu tak pernah merasa puas. Saat melihat orang lain lebih sukses di bisnis atau pekerjaan, saya masih jauh dari itu. Saat melihat orang lain lebih taat beribadah, saya pun belum se-alim itu. Pun saya masih belum merasa sebahagia yang lain.
Sekarang saya sedang menata ulang masa depan. Belasan tahun bekerja sebagai pegawai biasa lalu memutuskan mengundurkan diri membuat saya harus memikirkan langkah kembali. Mudah-mudahan saya mampu mewujudkan mimpi saya dalam berwirausaha secepatnya.
          Women at Zero Point
What has been the "high point" in your life to date?
Believe me, I haven't achieved that yet, Human nature may always never feel satisfied. When I see other people more successful in business or work, I am still far from that. When I see other people being more devout in worship, I am not that pious. Even I still don't feel as happy as others.
Now I'm reimagining the future. Ten years of working as an ordinary employee and then deciding to resign made me have to think about my next steps. Hopefully I can realize my dream of entrepreneurship as soon as possible.
At least I made the brave move of quitting my job. Yes, I consider leaving a toxic work environment at least as the starting point for my current "highest" achievement. Hopefully my life will be calmer, I can help many people with my business in the future, and I can also help my family with other halal blessings.
I just want to be a better daughter, mother, wife and human being, simple
Men don't know the value of a woman, Firdaus. It is the woman who determines her worth."