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Ruang Kelas

How Comfortable Rusunawa For Student UPN Veteran East Java

5 April 2024   01:38 Diperbarui: 5 April 2024   01:41 102
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Dokumentasi : persma UPNVJT

Thrusday, 4 April 2024

Simple rental flats or also called rusunawa are women's dormitory buildings which are part of the UPN Veteran East Java (UPNVJT) facilities. The building was built with financial assistance from the Ministry of Public Housing, the management of which is regulated by the university receiving the assistance. However, the management and governance of the flats is considered to be poor by the female students who live in the dormitories. 

There are several complaints regarding management, facilities in the dormitory, and complaints that are slow to respond. Meanwhile, the flat itself is a facility that really helps students, especially those from outside the area, in getting a place to live close to campus which should be managed and made as comfortable as possible. However, there are many inconveniences that occur in the management of the women's dormitory which could trigger a decrease in student interest in using campus facilities which has an impact on the good name of the campus.

The rectorate must make every effort to create a safe campus environment so that students feel comfortable by employing security guards who can be trusted and have security guard certificates. We see that from the perspective of UPN students, campus security is relatively safe, they say, but this time we will look at campus security from the perspective of a UPN Student Dormitory security guard who has worked here for 4 years.

Febri Heri Susanto (28) is a security guard at the UPN Veteran Student Dormitory that I interviewed on Wednesday, March 27 2024. Mr. Febri is a security guard who has lived in the dormitory for quite a long time, namely for 1 year after being transferred from the main gate of UPN Veteran East Java. Mr Febri has attended security guard training in Surabaya so he already has a certificate and license as a security guard. 

According to Mr. Febri, several security guards employed at the Student Dormitory and at UPN Veteran East Java come from outside the city, which requires them to board or rent and makes them willing to move away from their families. But on the other hand, they found a second family in the hostel because of the warm feeling of kinship and togetherness. There are also other benefits you can get, such as health benefits and BPJS employment.

Apart from the facilities, what makes student residents of the flats uncomfortable is the inspection activities carried out by a security guard at night. The flat, which was occupied by women, was searched during the evening break. "In my opinion, you can't just do it all of a sudden, especially since the security guards are guys and then they open the cupboard like that, you know there must be something prohibited like that, right?" said RD. The inspection was carried out to look for equipment other than laptops, irons and fans which were prohibited by the flats but were successfully 'smuggled' by the students into their rooms. . "Well, things like that are not allowed," said Andre, one of the RUSUNAWA security guards on Friday (18/11).

 According to Andre and Gogi as coordinators, inspections should not be carried out during dormitory residents' rest time. However, reports from female students living in the dormitory were that the inspection was not carried out during break times and disturbed their comfort, resulting in a report being made to the dormitory coordinator. "Yesterday there was a protest because of the inspection, because the time was wrong, the security guard also came in, but I resolved all of yesterday's problems and in the future it will not happen again," said Gogi on Thursday (17/11). 

The rice cooker, which is one of the electronic equipment needed by flat residents, is equipment that residents are prohibited from carrying because previously there was a short circuit in this device which almost caused a fire. However, the rice cooker which was the reason for the inspection was able to enter the student's room and was successfully 'smuggled', showing negligence on the part of the security forces in guarding the dormitory, even though the appliance was large and difficult to hide.

The rusunawa coordinator himself said that all problems in the dormitory would be accommodated and resolved together, but the implementation was still slow. "All aspirations have indeed been accommodated but nothing has been fulfilled, for example there are still many that have not been fulfilled, you know, but Mr Gogi has indeed accommodated the aspirations of all the dormitory residents so they are just being accommodated," said RD regarding handling complaints in the flat. 

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