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Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris angkatan 2009 di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Jogjakarta.\r\n“Jika ingin kaya maka jadilah pengusaha, jika ingin terkenal maka jadilah artis, dan jika ingin menjadi bagian dari sejarah maka jadilah seorang jurnalis."\r\nMotto : no success without struggle .\r\n ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ




Pulau Dewata(Bali Island)

28 April 2012   13:55 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   06:00 122
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Bali island

Bali has became a center tourist destination in Indonesia. There are many people visiting in the Bali island every season of the year. Bali becames favorite tourist place for visitors because Bali has many unique and beautiful places. Bali is one of the most famous island in the world, so we should be proud of that.

Among the other island in Indonesia, Bali is the most visiting by tourist. Bali has many vacation places for visited. Bali has beautiful places such as the beach and the temple. The are many beach in Bali, for example Kuta beach, Sanur beach, Bedugul and many more. The beach in Bali island popular for the big waves and white sand. Many surfer choices Kuta beach for surfing. For family who spend time to sight seeing could go to Sanur beach, because this beach also interesting with white sand. Talking the temple in Bali, Bali also has interesting temple for visited for example Gunungkawi temple, gajah temple and many more. Usually, the temple using for pray and this place is very sacred and pure. Beside Bali has beautiful places, Bali also has many entertainment place. If you want to refresh or hang out with your friend, you can go to caffe and night club. The famous caffe in Bali is HardRock Caffe. Usually , this caffe hold high-class international events. At midnight, if you feel bored, you can gonna be to nightclub for party along night. But, if you Muslims, you are don’t go to night club, because this place is sensitive and dangerous influence night life. Summary, Bali provides vacation places for tourist .

Bali gives devizen for our country. The devizen is used for develop government in many sectors. Bali visited many tourist from domestic and foreign. From Sabang until Merauke know that Bali has many beautiful vacation places. Not only tourist from domestic, but many tourist from other country come to Bali. Beside that all, Bali has many art and culture such as dance and tradition. Bali is rich of dance and tradition, so many tourist interesting about that and they are learning things that. Summary, Bali has many advantages for Indonesia in many sectors.

In addition, Bali has bad effects for culture in Indonesia. The culture of Indonesia mix with bad foreign culture such as how to wear the cloth, throw money around it and many more The foreign culture bring bad effect for culture in Indonesia, so we must filter the foreign culture , which good and bad. Beside that, bad habbit from visitor, scuh as wearing swimsuit in many places without shy feel. It will became bad habbit and culture next some day. Summary, beside Bali gives advantages, it also gives negative effects for Indonesia.

In brief, Bali has many advantages and also has bad effect for Indonesia. We must know well which a good habbit or bad habbit. Not all the foreign culture is bad, we just filter the culture which appropriate with habbit people in Indonesia.

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