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Congratulations to the Board of Scholars and Head of Departements at Pondok Pesantren Modern Baitussalam

31 Desember 2024   19:33 Diperbarui: 31 Desember 2024   19:33 55
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"Visionary Leadership: Congratulations to the Board of Scholars and Heads of Departments at Pondok Pesantren Modern Baitussalam"

It is with profound reverence and admiration that we, from the Economic Development Department of the Pondok, extend our warmest congratulations to the esteemed members of the Board of Scholars and Heads of Departments at Pondok Pesantren Modern Baitussalam. This milestone marks a new chapter of visionary leadership, fostering academic excellence, spiritual growth, and community development.

1. Board of Scholars: Ustadz Ali Muhsin, Ustadz Qomaruddin, M.Pd., dan Ustadz Asep Dwiyan Alfianto, M.Pd.
"Your collective wisdom and stewardship will elevate Baitussalam to global prominence, inspiring future generations."

2. Head of Research and Quality Assurance: Ustadzah Kantuningsih, S.Pd., AUD.
"Your dedication to quality assurance will propel Baitussalam's academic excellence, fostering innovation and critical thinking."

3. Head of 4 Pillars Department: Ustadz Jawaldi, S.E.
"Your strategic leadership will fortify Baitussalam's foundational pillars, ensuring sustainability and growth."

1. Head of Social and Da'wah Department: Ustadz Efendiawan, S.Pd.
"May your efforts cultivate a harmonious society, promoting Islamic values and interfaith dialogue."

2. Head of Public Relations: Ustadzah Ririn Setyaningsih, S.Sos.
"Your expertise will enhance Baitussalam's global visibility, fostering partnerships and collaborations."

3. Santri Putra Guidance: Ustadz Lingga Romi Bahri, Lc.
"May your guidance nurture spiritually enlightened leaders, equipped with knowledge and character."

4. Santri Putri Guidance: Ustadzah Aufi Munaya, S.H.
"Your mentorship will empower female scholars and leaders, promoting gender equality and excellence."

5. Lazis Baitussalam: Ustadz Basori, S.Pd.I.
"Your community service initiatives will inspire positive change, fostering social responsibility and compassion."

6. Central Finance: Ustadz Habib Munir, S.E.
"Your prudent financial management will ensure Baitussalam's sustainability, supporting academic and community programs."

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