In this article, we examine the use of online gaming as a pedagogical tool for student learning. We explore how using tablets to access online games related to the lesson can be beneficial to student understanding and engagement and discuss strategies for successful implementation.
In the modern classroom, technology is becoming more and more interwoven into teaching strategies. Educators need to stay up-to-date with the newest technologies to best use them in the classroom. As such, many teachers are now incorporating digital games and activities into their lesson plans.
One of the most useful ways to use digital games in the classroom is as a way to reinforce knowledge. By having students play online games related to the lessons, teachers can give their students an engaging way to review material and solidify the concepts they have been learning.
Fortunately, this strategy can be implemented easily, as all it requires is access to tablets or computers. While most classrooms already have a small number of tablet computers available for students, educators who do not have access to these can request assistance from the school or district to purchase them.
Once all students have access to the relevant digital games, teachers can have their students form pairs or groups and assign different tasks to each. They can then have them play the games for a predetermined length of time before rotating through several different online activities.
This method is an excellent way for students to interact with the material on a deeper level, as the game structure encourages them to think critically and work cooperatively to problem-solve. Moreover, it allows students to experience the content in a fun and interactive way.
Overall, by integrating digital games into lesson plans, teachers can give their students a unique opportunity to explore the material in a playful environment. As such, incorporating online games related to the lesson can be an invaluable tool for any teacher looking to reinforce their students understanding.
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