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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Technological Innovation Practices in Sustainable Agriculture on Acidic Drylands Agroecsystem for Food Crop Cultivation

6 November 2024   09:14 Diperbarui: 6 November 2024   09:18 107
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5. Utilization of Mycorrhizae and Biofertilizers

Biofertilizer technology involving microorganisms, such as mycorrhizae and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, can help plants utilize limited nutrients in acidic drylands. Mycorrhizae, as a vital biological technology, improve nutrient absorption efficiency, particularly phosphorus, and also enhance plant resilience against water stress.

Innovation Application in the Framework of Sustainable Agriculture

The application of innovative technology in the cultivation of crops on acidic drylands must consider the principles of sustainable agriculture, namely ecological balance, economic efficiency, and social sustainability. In the long term, sustainable innovations should be capable of increasing productivity without harming the environment while providing significant economic benefits to local farmers. Moreover, the involvement of farmers in understanding and implementing these technologies is crucial to ensure widespread adoption of the innovations.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite the success of various innovations in acidic drylands, several challenges remain, such as limited access for farmers to technology and resources, as well as climate instability affecting rainfall patterns and water availability. Therefore, supportive policies and enhanced farmer capacity through education and training are needed to adopt appropriate technologies.


Technological innovations in the cultivation of crops on acidic drylands play a crucial role in enhancing food crop productivity and ensuring the sustainability of agricultural systems. Through the application of soil amelioration technologies, superior crop varieties, conservation agriculture systems, and efficient water management, previously unproductive lands can be transformed into fertile areas that support food security. The sustainability of agriculture on acidic drylands requires synergy between technological innovations, supportive policies, and active participation from farmers and local communities. From the text above, the dependent variable identified is food crop productivity. This variable is influenced by several factors introduced as technological innovations, such as:  a) Soil quality improvement through the use of soil amendments (lime and organic materials), b)The use of superior crop varieties that are tolerant to acidic dryland conditions, c) The application of conservation agriculture systems, such as minimal soil tillage, d) Effective water management, including water-saving irrigation technologies, e)The use of biofertilizers, including mycorrhizae and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. All these interventions aim to enhance the dependent variable, which is the yield or productivity of food crops cultivated in acidic dryland areas.

Catatan: Karya tulis ini adalah karya tulis ilmiah popular sebagai tugas English for Agriculture Purposes. Karya tulis ini telah diuji kemiripannya dengan "Turnitin Similarity Index" yaitu 7%. Data Daftar Pustaka dan Turnitin tersedia.

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