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The Importance of Having Breakfast Before School

19 November 2022   09:40 Diperbarui: 19 November 2022   09:46 752
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                                                                              The Importance of Having Breakfast Before School

The importance of breakfast before going to school, it is recommended for us before deciding on activities it would be nice if we had breakfast first, why?

because breakfast will strengthen our body, increase energy, and help the brain in carrying out all the activities that we will do.

and we try to eat nutritious food, and there are some vitamins contained in it, examples of good food to consume are vegetables, fruits and side dishes that are still fresh. then don't forget not to have too much breakfast so that our bodies and brains are stable and avoid obesity, therefore it would be nice if we had breakfast and ate enough.

if we don't have breakfast before school, the vitamins and nutrients the body needs will not be met properly. 

a healthy and simple breakfast menu for us as students is, eggs, bread, cereal, fruit.

how important breakfast is, breakfast itself is the most important meal of the day, because it can help your metabolism and burn calories throughout the day.

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