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The Most Life Changing Book You Should Read Once In Your Life! The Happiest Refugee By Anh Do

15 Februari 2023   11:27 Diperbarui: 15 Februari 2023   11:49 321
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She hopes that all her children in the future will grow and become strong figures that can live the best and gain opportunities that she was not able to have back then in Vietnam. It’s a tough and highly tiring job for Anh Do’s mum to make a living for 3 children by herself when she just moved from Vietnam and have no idea about a stable job in Australia. This had sweetened, struggled, and worked herself to the bone. 

Moreover, it also surprised me that regardless of how incredibly tough Anh mum's circumstance is, she still constantly helps people who are in need. It was stated within the story that her mum gives free rent to a stranger refugee she just met that have nowhere to stay. 

At first Anh Do wasn’t agree with her mum's decision but she keeps insisting and tell Anh Do that those people remain herself from the old days when she was new to this land. 

She will let those people live in the house until they eventually find a proper job and house. The second role model to look up to in this book is Anh Do’s father. Anh do’s father isn’t a perfect depiction of a father since there was a moment when he just went missing for an unknown reason, leaving Anh Do, his 2 little brothers, and his mum itself in Australia.

However, sometimes life just drives you to unexpected moments and at the end of the day, if they are meant for you, they will there for you. Same just like that, not long after Anh Do getting marry, his dad just shows up and all Anh Do can do is forgive him cause after all he is still his father. It doesn’t take forever for Anh Do to get well with his father again, and when Anh Do encounter some dilemma as a young adult, his father was there to give advice and stand with him. 

From what I learned from this story, Anh do’s father is a really wise man that we can tell just from what he said that he has been through many hard occasions. Here are some words of wisdom Anh’s dad gave when Anh Do hit the rock bottom in his phase of life. You always have to make decisions in your life, Anh. And don’t kid yourself, when you don’t decide, it’s a decision.” 

“When you know it is right for you, but it scares you, it means you have the most to gain from doing it.” Those words have shaped Anh and woke him up to a better personality Anh is. It made him value how precious time is and realize him as well that not everything has a second chance. Through it all, The Happiest Refugee by Anh Do is a must-book to read.

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