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Bugi Kabul Sumirat
Bugi Kabul Sumirat Mohon Tunggu... Seniman - author, editor, blogger, storyteller, dan peneliti di BRIN

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Asean Leaders Have Blog, Why Not?

16 November 2011   00:59 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   23:37 107
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

2.      If we consider two aforementioned statements from Mr. Oratmangun and Mr. Blankert, it is apparent how bloggers are potential to be 'heard' by government or decision makers. This reason indicates the existence of ASEAN Blogger Community is potentially to be significant as well. As a consequence, this organisation needs to contribute properly through following up to date issues in ASEAN region. I would like to suggest one issue that need to consider properly, i.e.: environmental and forestry issue. This issue is significant and has been concerned internationally. ASEAN 10 countries cover around 213 million hectares of forests. These forests and ecosystems also become source of products and services for local livelihoods.

3.      ASEAN forests currently cover approximately 213 million hectares of land across 10 countries. Their diverse composition consists of tropical lowland forests, mountain forests, coastal mangrove forests, and peat forests, as well as the remnants of what is believed to be the oldest tropical rainforest in the world. It is well recognized that these forests and their ecosystems provide both products and services for local livelihoods (source: RECOFTC).

4.      My last suggestion is that ASEAN Blogger Community is able to persuade ASEAN leaders to be blogger as well, personally, not under official website. I have no data whether they have already had a personal blog or not. But by developing their own personal blog, it is able to create better communication from them to other bloggers and to open community. And in my opinion, it is not forbidden for leader from any country to manage their blog. It is able to motivate people to be a blogger too.

Those are my suggestions as a blogger. Success for the ASEAN Blogger Conference and hope this conference is able to provide a valuable contribution for ASEAN Blogger Community and ASEAN in general.

Bogor, 16 November 2011.

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