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Bryan Pasek Mahararta
Bryan Pasek Mahararta Mohon Tunggu... Youth Society

Youth Empowerment | Diversity Enthusiast




"The New Era of The Student Movement in Indonesia"

11 April 2018   04:00 Diperbarui: 11 April 2018   04:31 683
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After the reformation, the student movement organization in Indonesia was faced with a severe situation, namely the transnational ideological experiment in the form of neo-liberalism that constantly campaigns on liberalization in all sectors of society.

The Student Movement Position

On the other side, the growing ideology of religious fundamentalism increasingly destabilizing the nation's pluralistic joints led to the impact of student organizational movements such as losing direction in formulating ideological enemies.

If we observe what is happening to the current state of nationality is very apprehensive. A number of fundamental problems should be reflected together, because every problem will affect our lives in the nation and state.

From an economic point of view, the challenge of our nation in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 is still part of the social inequality we can see from Credit Suisse data, that 1 percent of the richest people in Indonesia control 49.3 percent of national wealth.

The data is also reinforced by the latest data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) which states that only 1 percent of Indonesian people control 68 percent of land resources. This figure proves that there are still many Indonesian people who are unable to feel the ownership of the land in their own country.

This is inversely related to the fact that occurred amidst the slogan of love of the homeland in the pulpit of political power.

Even though we know, the land is the main source of human life.

It is not enough that the complexity of this nation's problems will also face the disruption impact that we can not damp due to the revolutionary wave of industry 4.0. Especially the impact of the loss of a number of fields of work caused by the flood of creation of new technologies that can replace half the human labor to cause environmental shifts business towards the digital industry.

From a political perspective, social inequality that occurs due to the emergence of the phenomenon of "identity politics" based on LIPI research in 2016 which states that 25 percent of students and 21 percent of teachers declare Pancasila is no longer relevant.

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