4 both majors
4 shows both majors, at least 5-5.
No Texas
4/4 are natural, 6+ carder, weak, to play.
Conventions untuk  constructive bidding
3rd/4th suit forcing
Keycard Blackwood 03 14
5 = 0 or 3 Keycards.
5 = 1 or 4 Keycards.
5= 2 Keycards denganout the Queen of Trump.
5= 2 Keycards dengan the Queen of Trump.
Selanjutnya 5NT Tanya King.
6 = 0 atau  3 King.
6 = 1 atau  4 King.
6= 2 Kings tanpa Queen  trump.
6= 2 Kings  Queen  trump.