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Money Pilihan

BCA-Indepay Signed Cooperation Agreement to Implement Branchless Financial Services

23 Desember 2015   11:32 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2015   12:32 438
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"This is done by utilizing the nearest Bank Agents that are operated by trained member of society itself while maintaining the confidence level and standard of service of Bank BCA.," said Rajib. 

It is undeniable that in addition to these services which involve the community called Bank Agent, would be a little incur additional charges. "But the service costs incurred are relatively small compared to the benefits derived services." Added Director of BCA, Suwignyo Budiman reply media questions related to the costs that are likely to be borne by the customer. 

As known, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) formed by the government a year ago to oversee the operation of Executing Banks, issued a policy called LAKU PANDAI, stands for “Branchless Financial Services in the framework of Inclusive Finance (LAKU PANDAI).

The policies outlined in the OJK Regulation No. 19 / POJK.03 / 2014 concerning LAKU PANDAI in order to support the government's National Strategy for the Finance program Inclusive (SNKI) essentially aims to involve the public as widely as possible in utilizing a wide range of financial services without having constrained by distances and various burdensome rules. 

As a private bank that has been go public, Bank BCA called to the success of the government strategy quickly and professionally, so took Indepay Network in order to synergize in providing excellent service to the wider Indonesian community. Bank BCA implement its program through the KARTU LAKU BCA.

Some observers assess strategic move of Bank BCA is very precise and will provide great benefit to the future government's policy to disburse a trillion rupiah of fund to villages throughout Indonesia. Since the policy involves huge amount of fresh money, the villagers should be supported with professional financial services, not just from the the State Owned Banks but also by private banks such as Bank BCA. (Ben - @bens369 – email:

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