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Justin Bieber Sick of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, All Concerts Cancelled?

15 Juni 2022   12:16 Diperbarui: 15 Juni 2022   12:44 148
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Unexpected and surprising news came from the singer of the song "Baby" Justin Bieber who claimed to have Ramsay Hunt Syndrome which caused part of his face to be paralyzed, this he conveyed directly on his social media.

 Before conveying this, he was forced to cancel his shows in Toronto and Washington DC due to illness, it is possible that in Indonesia it will also be canceled, although for now on the official website the schedule for the concerts in Jakarta on November 2 and 3 is still on schedule. timetable. 

This of course makes Justin Bieber feel sad but he can't go against the doctor's orders. The 28-year-old singer admitted that he doesn’t know when he will recover from the disease and that he is currently undergoing treatment.

Through the video uploaded on Saturday (11/06/22) it can be seen that he can’t move part of his face. "So there was complete paralysis on the side of my face. So for those who are frustrated with the cancellation of my next show, I'm obviously physically unable to do it. It's pretty serious, as you can see," Justin Bieber said on his Instagram account. He also apologizes for having to temporarily postpone his solo concert series, namely Justice World Tour 2022.

The expression of feelings in his broken heart, said Hailey Baldwin's husband in the same caption. He then said that the order to postpone the concert for health reasons was a message from his personal doctor. "To all my fans, I really love you and I will rest so that I get better soon," he said. Of course, even this makes fans anxious, one of these twitter tweets is "Huhu justin cepet sembuh ya jangan dicancel kaya purpose tour pls trauma sumpah :( masa aku ga ketemu kamu lagi justin udah lebih dari 10 tahun loh kita nunggu moment kamu konser disini lagi @justinbieber" wrote @bie***.

Ramsay Hunt syndrome is known to affect the nerves in the face through outbreaks of shingles, causing his face to become partially paralyzed. The most common symptoms of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome are a painful rash, facial paralysis, and hearing loss in the affected ear. It can also cause changes in taste, ear pain (otalgia), tinnitus, dry eyes, nausea and vertigo. This syndrome is a rare disease but everyone affected by Ramsay Hunt Syndrome usually has a different recovery process but generally it takes about three weeks to fully recover.

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