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Ken Arok -Ken Dedes (A drop of effort to sue for duping historical Fact)

14 Mei 2020   04:17 Diperbarui: 16 Mei 2020   22:49 150
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The Bathara Rajasa Amurwabhumi, Ken Arok and Pranajwari Ken Dedes (A drop of effort to sue for duping historical facts) It is no exaggeration to say that all Indonesians who attend domestic schools at least first-class at first school after basic schoolar or equivalent have been taught the history of the kingdom that once existed and ruled in the archipelago which has a slightly wider area than present-day Indonesia. There is a Kutai kingdom in East Kalimantan, there is a Hindu Mataram kingdom, there is a Medang Kamulan which was established by Mpu Sendok, which is said to have been due to natural disasters in the form of a volcanic eruption so it was forced to migrate to the East Java area reportedly in my hometown, Jombang. There Kahuripan Kingdom was founded by King Airlangga, the grandson of Mpu Sendok's son-in-law, where King Airlangga married the daughter of Raja Dharmawangsa Teguh, Putra Mpu Sendok. There is another kingdom of Dhaha and Kadiri and of course about the Kingdom of Singasari which was founded by Ken Arok someone who had a sad life experience since the baby where he was, for some reason must be left alone in a grave by his biological mother. And again his father had died during ken Arok in the mother's womb. When left in the grave, Ken Arok's baby was found and cared for by someone who had some bad behavior so it was reported that the influence had poisoned a small ken arok like gambling. From this it is necessary to look at where the tilted story of childhood and adolescence before even serving at the Palace of Akuwu Tumapel, Tunggul Ametung (Akuwu: the current sub-district level before being changed to Singasari) on the recommendation of the Rev. Dahyang Lohgawe, the main Priest of the Akuwu Tumapel Palace at that time. From reading a few writings I began to feel enlightened where the origins of immoral tilted stories and gambling like young ken arok turned out to be the result of inconsequential translation and ruined the name of Ken Arok and ken dedes by a Dutchman who translated the book Pararaton by Mpu Prapanca which until now unknown where the book original from the Prapanca MPU. So this is where we have to be careful also selectively and the government must immediately make improvements even revolutionary and immediately straighten out the black history of ken arok and ken dedes who actually are both the ancestors of all the kings in Java and even today the leaders in this case the Indonesian presidents from Java, I am very confident and it is not even an exaggeration to say that all Javanese will think the same as me, he is a descendant of Arok and Dedes. Because that's what is a belief of the shining body of Ken Dedes that can be seen by both Tunggul Ametung and Ken Arok as the first and second husbands after Akuwu Tunggul Ametung was pierced by a Sakis keris made by MPU Gandring known as the MPU Gandring Keris. About who actually ordered the magic kris to Mpu Gandring whether it was ordered by Ken Arok or ordered by Kebo Ijo or someone else that needs to be sought and further investigated and should have a truly trusted and indisputable basis because it involves someone's good name who became the ancestor of the kings and leaders in Java and even the class of Indonesia and even the world. Why so? Because apologizing will be very uncomfortable at heart especially for me personally suppose someone says: ah your great grandfather was a person who used to be so ugly in religion or custom for example don't want to be indifferent against invaders or become spy invaders. It will definitely hurt my heart even to all my family. But it's a relief that I have the opposite of what I demonstrated. Suppose my grandfather is from my father is Pupils and students KH. Moh Thohir Islamic Boarding School Bungkuk Singosari Malang who has a son-in-law named KH Masykur, he is believed to be the Supreme Commander of Laskar Sabilillah, one of the warriors fighting the Dutch invaders consisting of Santri or Muslims who are adults or married. While Laskar Hizbulloh is for young teenagers and students. My grandfather's house is about 2, 4 kilometers from the village of Polowijen which is believed to have been named Panawijen the birthplace of the glorious Ken Dedes mentioned above. So with a little pride let me say there is a blood relationship to him, namely Ken Arok and Ken Dedes, Alhamdulillah. Likewise with the Rajasa Ken Arok a lot if I mention the names of these national figures who are related by blood of his descendants like Gus Dur, Bung Karno who met Nasab with Gus Dur is said to be in Raden Patah, Sultan of Demak Bintoro who is the son of Brawijaya V, King of Majapahit lastly. As we know that the Majapahit kings are descendants of Raden Wijaya, Son-in-law and also the nephew of the last King of the Singasari Kingdom, King Kertanegara.Raden Wijaya is the First King and the founding of the Majapahit Kingdom after the tactics of a smart and effective diplomacy and military strategy could quickly overthrow the former Brass Kingdoms who slyly rebelled against the Singasari Government ruled by His Majesty the Foreigners who had been pursuing a Malay or Pamalayu expedition by sending most of their troops owned Singosari until the defenses within the state and central government were weak. Singasari's weak state of affairs was used by King Jayakatwang of the Kingdom of Bracelets to rebel while still including nieces and even nephews of the King of the Nation. And as we know the Singasari Kingdom suddenly collapsed with the assassination of the King of the Kertanegara by the cunning rebels King Jayakatwang.

         Thus it can be believed the truth is that it is impossible for a person with a dark past to have such extraordinary descendants not only in the city level but at the national and world level. Those who do not know and acknowledge the greatness of the Bung Karno, the Granddaughter of the Nahdhotul Scholars' Founder, Gus Wahid Hasyim is one of the seven teams to establish and spearhead Indonesia's independence who do not know Raden Patah, Sultan Trenggono Sultan Hadiwijaya or Jody Tingkir . Who does not know the greatness and grandeur of Gus Dur and many more of the noble names who meticulously met in the two figures that are the theme of this time the noble Arok-Dedes.

         From all this again I personally and if allowed to represent the descendants of Arok Dedes requested that the policyholders advocate and align themselves and generally the government immediately deconstructed the history of the monarchical principals such as the history of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes based on the results of numerous studies and literatures. manipulated and blurred and even blacklisted their names. All of these poets think our history is colonial in the sense that history has been intervened by Dutch colonizers to ridicule the Javanese leaders or elites who were opposed to the Dutch occupation. May we all be given the opportunity to straighten and clear their names, His Excellency Sri Bathara Rajasa  Amurwabhumi, Ken Arok and Prajnaparamita, Ken Dedes. Wa'allohu a'lam. I hope so.

*** Done ***

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