"....the planned and guided learning experiences and intended learning outcomes, formulated through the systematic reconstruction of knowledge and experiences of the school, for learner's continuous and will full growth in personal-social competence" (Daniel Tanner and Laurel Tanner, 1975).
c. Pengertian kurikulum dikaitkan dengan dimensi aktifitas
Pengertian kurikulum sebagai dimensi aktifitas memandang kurikulum merupakan segala aktifitas dari guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran disekolah. Pengertian-pengertian kurikulum yang berkaitan dengan dimensi ini, diantaranya:
".....The curriculum [is a design, made] by all of those who are most intimately concerned with the activities of the life of the children while they are in school...a curriculum must be as flexible as life and living. It cannot be made beforehand and given to pupils and teachers to install. [also it/.. represents those learning each child selects, accepts, and incorporates into himself to act with, in, and upon in subsequent experiences" (L. Thomas Hopkins, 1941).
"[the curriculum is] the...stream of guided activities that constitutes the life of young people and their elders. [in a much earlier book, Rugg disapprovingly spoke of the traditional curriculum as one .. .... passing on description of earlier cultures and to perpetuating dead languages and abstract techniques which were useful to no more than a negligible fraction of our population" (Harold Rugg, 1947).
"All of the activities that are provided for students by the school constituttes its curriculum" (Harold Alberty, 1953).
d. Pengertian kurikulum dikaitkan dengan dimensi hasil
Definisi kurikulum sebagai dimensi hasil memandang kurikulum itu sangat memperhatikan hasil yang akan dicapai oleh siswa agar sesuai dengan apa yang telah direncanakan dan yang menjadi tujuan dari kurikulum tersebut. Pengertian-pengertian kurikulum yang berkaitan dengan dimensi ini, diantaranya:
"....a structured series of intended learning outcomes" (Mauritz Johnson, Jr., 1967).
"Curriculum is defined as a plan for achieving intended learning outcomes: a plan concerned with purposes, with what is to be learned and with the result of instruction" (Unruh and Unruh, 1984:96).
"segala usaha yang dilakukan oleh sekolah untuk memperoleh hasil yang diharapkan dalam situasi di dalam ataupun di luar sekolah " (Hilda Taba dalam Nasution, Azas-azas kurikulum).