How to show the world that Indonesia is importand and must not under-estimated?
1. Display the beauty of Indonesian cultures
2. Academical performances
3. Develop your interest and your skill. Be good at positive things you like to do. That way you'll have your own specialized point of view, and from that you'll have your clear idea of certain issues in the world. Present your ideas with confidence and you'll be distinctfully beautiful and stand-out in the crowd.
Indonesian youth have everything they already need; sometimes even more. They just don't know it yet.
Kegiatan Pengembangan Kemampuan Hubungan Internasional Pemuda
1. Pertukaran pemuda Indonesia - Kanada
2. Pertukaran pemuda Indonesia - Australia
3. Pertukaran pemuda Indonesia - Malaysia
4. Pertukaran pemuda Indonesia - Korea Selatan
5. Pengembangan Sentra Pemberdayaan Pemuda