An IFPer & a Fulbrighter | An alumnus of Unib & University of Manchester, UK | A PhD student at Lehigh University, Penn, USA. Blog: Twitter @01_budi. PIN BBM: 51410A7E
The Great King, Fair and Wise.
Uphold justice in ways that wise and civilized. Wherever I am definitely created prosperity, peace for all mankind. Although I've been beside He, but I'm always there for you all
Bekerja pada Bagian Humas dan Teknologi Informasi Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Lembata. contact person : 081232158847, blogspot: Ini Baru Lembata, Lembata Maju, Catatan Ferry Paji Dasilva, Wordpress : Ferrypajidasilva. Blog detik: Lembata Ferry Paji Dasilva. Twitter: Ini Baru Lembata. Group diskusi facebook : INI BARU LEMBATA ! (admin). Halaman Facebook : Ini Baru Lembata