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Social Emotional Development in Early Childhood

30 Desember 2023   11:09 Diperbarui: 30 Desember 2023   11:12 41
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

7. Opportunities for Social Interaction: Allowing kids to engage in social interactions with peers and adults is essential to their social-emotional growth. They can improve their social skills, develop empathy and perspective, and pick up knowledge from others.

Early childhood educators and carers can support and encourage healthy social-emotional development in young children by fostering these factors.

As a conclusion, if we put the text above with Freud's theory that explains the crucial role that early experiences play in shaping children's beliefs and behaviour in their later years, then we can consider the development of toddlers as a critical stage that shapes their beliefs and behaviour in their later years. This is the time when a child experiences severe physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. If it's handled best, children would likely become better to control their emotions and have great social life. On the other hand, if it's handled poorly or unruly, children's social emotional development can lead to serious problems for young children.

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