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A student of Communication Studies at UPN Veteran Jakarta who has a passion for writing and exploring herself in the visual field (design, photography, and videography).




Iqbal Alamsyah's Story to be a scholar: Financial Limitation is not the Dream Barrier

15 Juni 2022   19:05 Diperbarui: 16 Juni 2022   08:59 413
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Jakarta - Iqbal Alamsyah is a creative worker in one of the advertisement agencies in Jakarta. On Sunday (12/06), Iqbal eagerly told his experience about his economic limitations in reaching his dream. Due to his economic limitations, now Iqbal lives his life by working while studying.

After graduating from school, Iqbal struggled to choose the next step. He had to accept his fate to postpone his education due to financial limitations. 

“At that time, my parents could not afford my college tuition, so I had to look for a job. I faced a hard time before, but instead of doing nothing, I'd rather try to look for a job," explained Iqbal.

After months of unemployment, Iqbal finally got a job at an advertising agency in Jakarta. He feels lucky to get a job. However, he still has to give up his dream to go to college.

“When I became unemployed, it was difficult for me. I started to feel jealous of other people's achievements. Luckily, I got the job. But I still hope that I can go to college,” said Iqbal.


After working for a year, the Covid-19 pandemic caused massive layoffs of employees. This condition made Iqbal take the challenging decision to enroll in employee class lectures. Freelancing offers and starting his own business were his solutions to pay for college tuition.

"It's very bold of me to enroll in the employee class. It's actually tough to manage my time and financial condition. Finally, I tried to take a freelance job and start a business to add my income,” he said.

He’s willing to do anything to live his dream. He believes he can graduate from college and persuade people who have similar experiences to believe in themselves.

“Although it's hard, I'm sure I can graduate on time. The ups and downs that I did for this degree will be paid off when I see the look of pride in my parent’s eyes. I believe many people out there have similar stories with me. Hopefully, you can always believe in yourself," said Iqbal. 


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