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Ilmu Sosbud

The Influence of Movie Reviews or Spoilers on Tiktok

19 Desember 2023   20:47 Diperbarui: 19 Desember 2023   21:22 62
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The influence of movie reviews or spoilers on TikTok: Perception Analysis and Its Influence on Viewer Preferences

            As we know, TikTok is a digital platform that is active in various circles. This application program has been developing since 2018/2019 offering short-duration video features. TikTok commonly referred to as the lip-sync application (Lip-Sync) is currently at the peak of its popularity. This video-based social media has received a lot of attention from the public, especially from the younger generation. 

TikTok is an official music video and social networking app from China that has revived the digital industry in Indonesia. TikTok turns the user's phone into a walking studio. The social media features exciting and easy-to-use special effects, so anyone can easily create amazing videos. TikTok lets users quickly and easily create unique short videos to share with friends and the world. Empowering creative minds as a form of content revolution makes this social media a new benchmark for online content producers around the world, especially in Indonesia.

            On the other hand, behind these opportunities, there is also a negative side by irresponsible users, namely by spreading movie spoiler material on the TikTok platform. This shows the legal ignorance of the writers. Thinking that TikTok is a free platform, they consider it normal to post content containing spoilers, without realizing that there are laws and regulations governing it. Since posting movie spoilers on the TikTok platform constitutes copyright infringement, it is appropriate for TikTok to investigate the matter because everything that happens in the electronic system is the sole responsibility of TikTok. According to Article 3(2) of PP PSTE (Government Regulation on the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions).

            One of the main concerns about TikTok is the ease with which users can share spoilers and movie reviews. This has led to a debate about whether or not it is ethical to share spoilers and reviews on the platform. Some argue that sharing spoilers and reviews is a form of free speech and it is up to the individual to decide whether they want to see the content or not. Others argue that sharing spoilers and reviews is a violation of the rights of filmmakers and actors, and can negatively impact a movie's box office performance. Another reason for banning movie spoilers is that these individuals may earn a greater profit than the official movie box office if the platform they are uploading to has an offer to make a profit, by submitting or registering their account, with a business account or creator account, where later when there are many likes and many views, they will get Adsense or money from uploading videos from movie cuts.

            As for one other example of the impact that has been researched by Priambodo D. Saputra, it was found that the perception of Indonesian movie reviews on the @WatchmenID Twitter account has a significant impact on audience interest in watching movies. The study found that the reviews provided by @WatchmenID were influential in shaping perceptions of movies, and positive reviews increased audience interest in watching movies. However, some people do not want to watch the uploaded movie in theaters because they are no longer interested due to spoilers or video reviews uploaded by TikTok or other pirated media. This suggests that the perception of movie reviews on social media platforms such as TikTok can have a significant impact on audience preferences.

            There are two sides to the perception of movie reviews or spoilers on TikTok. First, some people think that watching reviews on these platforms can provide useful information before watching a movie. They see it as a way to find out if the movie matches their personal preferences. On the other hand, there are also opinions that spoilers can detract from the movie-going experience. Knowing the details of the story beforehand can reduce the surprise and satisfaction of watching.

Despite the potential benefits of TikTok for the movie industry, there are also concerns about the platform's impact on the movie industry. For example, there are concerns that the platform may lead to a decline in the quality of movie criticism, as users may be more interested in creating viral content than providing thoughtful and insightful reviews. Additionally, there are concerns that the platform may lead to a decline in the box office performance of movies, as users may be more likely to watch movies that have been vandalized or reviewed on the platform.

Therefore, I provide some solutions that can be considered to prevent viewers from watching movie reviews or spoilers on TikTok including:

  • Setting TikTok platform rules to inhibit movie viewing features, such as the option to hide videos containing movie spoilers or peers.
  • Assessing TikTok users to respect movie etiquette and avoid spoilers or movie peers that might derail the screen experience.
  • Encourage viewers to use more appropriate platforms to discuss movies, such as movie-focused forums, blogs, or social media.
  • Develop better social media for sharing information about movies, including information about spoilers or movie companions, so that viewers can choose what they want to watch.
  • Encourage the movie industry to make more attractive movie promotions on their website directly so that viewers are more interested in watching on the movie industry's original website or account rather than watching spoilers of pirated movie clips on TikTok.

In conclusion, TikTok's impact on the movie industry is complex and multifaceted. While the platform has the potential to be a powerful tool for filmmakers and studios to promote their films and engage with audiences, there are also concerns about its impact on the quality of film criticism and box office performance. Ultimately, it is up to individual users to decide whether they want to see spoilers and reviews on such platforms, and up to filmmakers and studios to decide how they want to engage with audiences on social media platforms like TikTok.

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