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Why do We Have to Learn English?

10 September 2024   21:29 Diperbarui: 10 September 2024   21:34 29
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Why is Learning English Mandatory? Because English has become the most widely used international language in the world. Its dominance in various fields, from business, technology, to entertainment, makes it a valuable asset for anyone. Mastering English opens the door to wider opportunities. Whether it's pursuing education abroad, looking for a high-paying job, or simply exploring the world, English language skills will be very important and helpful. 

In addition, English is also a window to access information from all over the world. The majority of online sources, such as scientific articles, books, and films, are available in English. By mastering this language, we can easily gain the latest knowledge and broaden our horizons. Not only that, English can also improve critical and analytical thinking skills. When we read or listen to material in English, we are forced to understand concepts that may be new to us. 

English also plays an important role in building relationships. In today's era of globalization, we often interact with people from various countries. Being able to communicate well in English will make it easier for us to establish good relationships with others. In addition, English can also increase self-confidence. When we feel able to communicate fluently in English, we will be more courageous to speak in public or participate in discussions.

In conclusion, learning English is a very profitable investment. The ability to speak English not only opens up better career opportunities, but also enriches our lives. By mastering English, we can explore the world, gain new knowledge, and build wider relationships. So, don't hesitate to keep learning and improving our English skills.

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