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Ruang Kelas

The Importance of Learning to Listening

27 Agustus 2024   18:20 Diperbarui: 3 September 2024   13:39 50
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Having listening skills is often overlooked by some people. However, listening has many important benefits. Here are two important benefits of developing good and correct listening skills; 

First, reducing misunderstandings in communication. Misunderstandings often occur in communication due to misinterpreting words and there is a pronunciation of vocabulary that sounds similar. Effective listening can reduce this problem by ensuring accurate understanding of the information conveyed. This is very important to minimize errors in communication because it has serious consequences such as in a professional environment or in a discussion. 

Second, improving learning and information gathering. Listening is one of the basic foundations in learning good listening skills not only helps us understand the material, but can also find new information from various sources. 

So in conclusion, listening is a basic skill that is useful for us in various aspects of life, especially in learning. By developing listening skills we can improve understanding and communication.

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