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Ilmu Sosbud

The Important of Islamic Education for Children

29 Juni 2024   20:59 Diperbarui: 29 Juni 2024   20:59 53
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Nama: Hasna Noor Alifa

NIM: (2307035025)

Parents, teachers, and people who work with children nowadays often complain, especially those who directly care for children, even adolescents that are very difficult to control. Grumpy, stubborn, rude or otherwise behaviour can harm the child himself and others. Consequently, religious and moral education is very important to help children live in society with good attitude. One of them is with good ethics, because ethics is the basis of the teachings of Islam after faith, science, and shariah, it is important for children to understand and apply ethics and morals as far as possible. Then such as rehabilitation, family conditions at home, a good environment, and parental attention are components that help build a child's morality. While the constraints are parents who don't understand Islam, too free environments, and limited time with children. Teenage violence, increased bullying, too free involvement in movies or harmful content such as pornography, criminal, drugs, and free societies are some of the consequences of not implanting religion in children

Here Are Some Consequences When Islamic Education Has Not Been Taught Since Childhood:

A.  Promiscuity

There is promiscuity as we see and know, the ways and thinking of today's generations are changing in these so sophisticated and evolving ages. Their mindset must be different from that of their parents.  Their mindset must be different from that of their parents. where children can access a variety of information as well as the latest and up-to-date information through electronic devices. It is here that children are sometimes affected by unhealthy relationships, such as interacting with the opposite sex, drunkenness, or drug use as a result of unhealthier relationships.

B.  Lost Direction

If children are taught religion late, or even not taught at all, they will not have a strong foundation for life. Religious science is a foundation that everyone should have. As early as possible they learn religion, the stronger the foundation will be.

C. Good Child Character Is Difficult To Form. 

Studying religion is not just learning the right and right way of worship so that it is accepted religion also teaches how to behave well with other people, the environment, and other creatures. With strong religious knowledge, children will be able to distinguish between good and bad.

D. Unbelievers on God

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