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Vox Pop

Reform Era in Indonesia

3 Februari 2023   16:33 Diperbarui: 3 Februari 2023   16:35 215
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Asian Financial Crisis in Indonesia?

The Indonesian rupiah lost more than 80% of its value against the US dollar, causing widespread financial instability. The government responded by implementing austerity measures and seeking assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which provided a bailout package in exchange FOR  REFORMS aimed at stabilizing the economy. The crisis had a significant impact on the Indonesian economy and society, leading to a decline in living standards for many people.


How many factors lead Indonesia "1998 financial instability"?

Several factors contributed to the financial instability in Indonesia in 1998:

(1) High levels of foreign debt: Indonesia had accumulated large amounts of foreign debt, which made it vulnerable to a sudden withdrawal of foreign capital,

(2) Currency devaluation: The Indonesian rupiah was devalued in 1997, which led to a sharp increase in the cost of imports and a decline in the competitiveness of Indonesian exports,

(3) Lack of government transparency: There was a lack of transparency in the Indonesian GOVERNMENT'S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, which made it difficult for investors to assess the country's economic situation,

(4) Political uncertainty: The political situation in Indonesia was unstable, with frequent changes in government and a lack of clear policy direction,

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