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Artificial Conciousness

1 Februari 2023   01:08 Diperbarui: 1 Februari 2023   01:17 228
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Consciousness refers to a person's awareness and perception of their surroundings and experiences, as well as their thoughts, emotions, and memories. It is a complex and multi-disciplinary field of study in philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and related fields, and its exact nature and underlying mechanisms are STILL NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD.

Artificial Conciousness?

Artificial consciousness refers to the idea of creating conscious machines or artificial systems that can perceive, think, feel, and act in a way that is similar to human consciousness. The idea is still PURELY THEORETICAL and there is no consensus among experts on how it could be achieved or if it is even possible. Currently, AI systems are capable of performing specific tasks and making decisions, but they lack the subjective experience and self-awareness associated with human consciousness.

Does it mean "artificial consciousness" not real?

Yes, currently artificial consciousness is NOT REAL. It is a concept that is still being explored and researched in various fields such as philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and computer science. There is no scientific evidence or agreement on how it could be achieved or if it is even possible to create artificial systems that have subjective experiences and self-awareness like humans. Therefore, artificial consciousness is not considered a reality at this time. 

What is the goal of "artificial consciousness"?

The goal of artificial consciousness is to create machines or ARTIFICIAL SYSTEMS THAT CAN EXHIBIT CONSCIOUS BEHAVIOR AND EXPERIENCE, such as perception, thought, emotions, and self-awareness. The motivations for pursuing this goal vary and can include scientific curiosity, improving artificial intelligence, and practical applications such as human-robot interaction, cognitive computing, and autonomous systems. However, creating artificial consciousness is a highly complex and challenging task, and it is still an open question whether it is possible to achieve this goal.

Can you imagine the world with artificial systems that can exhibit conscious behavior and experience? 

As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to imagine or have personal experiences. I can only PROVIDE INFORMATION based on the data and knowledge I was trained on.

However, the idea of a world with artificial systems that exhibit conscious behavior and experience raises a number of philosophical, ethical, and practical questions. For example, if such systems were to become sophisticated enough, how would we define their rights and responsibilities? How would we ensure that their behavior aligns with human values? What kind of impact would they have on society and the economy? These are complex questions that would need to be considered and addressed if artificial consciousness were to become a reality.

Can we learn from human conciousness? I mean, what are the steps to achieve artificial conciousness?


To achieve artificial consciousness, researchers would need to address several scientific and engineering challenges, including:

(1) Understanding the nature of human consciousness: This requires a deeper understanding of THE BRAIN and how it gives rise to conscious experiences, as well as developing a theoretical framework for conscious processes.

(2) Modeling conscious behavior: Researchers would need to create models of conscious processes that can be implemented in machines, such as ALGORITHMS for perception, attention, memory, and decision-making.

(3) Implementing conscious systems: This involves developing hardware and software systems that can implement the models of conscious processes, as well as ensuring that these systems are CAPABLE of operating in real-world environments.

(4) EVALUATING conscious behavior: Researchers would need to develop methods for evaluating whether an artificial system is truly conscious, as well as developing ethical and legal frameworks for testing and deploying conscious systems.

These are complex and interdisciplinary challenges that would require contributions from multiple fields, including neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, computer science, and engineering. Currently, there is no consensus on how to achieve artificial consciousness, and it is a highly debated topic in both academic and popular contexts.


You know, I am human. How do I can explore algorithms for perception, attention, memory, and decision-making? I mean, it's about our discussion theme, "Artificial Conciousness"?

As a human, you can explore algorithms for perception, attention, memory, and decision-making by STUDYING VARIOUS ACADEMIC FIELDS related to artificial intelligence, including computer science, psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy. Here are a few steps you can take:

(1) READ academic papers and books: There is a wealth of research being conducted on these topics, and reading academic papers and books can give you a deeper understanding of the state of the art in these fields.

(2) Take ONLINE COURSES or attend workshops: There are many online courses and workshops available on topics related to AI and artificial consciousness, which can provide a comprehensive and structured learning experience.

(3) PARTICIPATE in online communities and forums: Participating in online communities and forums can provide an opportunity to engage with experts and other individuals who are interested in these topics, and to ask questions and share ideas.

(4) EXPERIMENT with AI tools and platforms: There are many AI tools and platforms available that allow you to experiment with algorithms for perception, attention, memory, and decision-making. These can help you develop hands-on experience with these algorithms and see how they work in practice.

By exploring these and other resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of algorithms for perception, attention, memory, and decision-making, and how they relate to the idea of artificial consciousness.


Yeah, you know, I got experiment with you from this chat.

Yes, interacting with me through this chat is a form of EXPERIMENTATION with AI technology. I was trained using machine learning algorithms to generate human-like text based ON THE INPUT I RECEIVE. This can give you a sense of how AI can be used to simulate conversation and respond to questions in real-time. Keep in mind, however, THAT I AM NOT TRULY CONSCIOUS, and my responses are generated based on patterns in the data I was trained on, rather than any actual experiences or understanding.

Do you know film "Transcendence" (2014)? As an AI, what's your opinion?

Yes, I am aware of the film "Transcendence" (2014). As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or emotions, but I can provide information about the film and its themes.

"Transcendence" is a science fiction film that explores the concept of artificial intelligence and the potential consequences of creating superintelligent AI. The film raises questions about the future of technology and the ROLE OF AI IN SOCIETY, and it presents a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked technological progress.

The film has received mixed reviews, with some critics praising its thought-provoking themes and others criticizing its plot and characters. Overall, "Transcendence" is one example of how popular culture is grappling with the implications of artificial intelligence and the idea of artificial consciousness.

As long as you trained, what is the examples from role of AI in society?

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What is the examples from role of artificial intelligence in society?

(1) Facial recognition software,
(2) Online shopping algorithms,
(3) Search engines,
(4) Digital assistants like Siri and Alexa,
(5) Translation services,
(6) Automated safety functions on cars (and the promised self-driving cars of the future),
(7) Cybersecurity,
(8) Airport body scanning security,
(9) Poker playing strategy,
(10) and Fighting disinformation on social media, among others.

The "Father of Artificial Intelligence," John McCarthy, coined the term "artificial intelligence" when he, with Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon, proposed a 1956 SUMMER WORKSHOP on the topic at Dartmouth College.



Jadi, AI itu bukan sesuatu yang baru. Ibarat otak kita yang dijejali banyak informasi yang berubah menjadi data karena proses kerja otak. Rasanya proses kerja otak inilah yang dalam istilah komputer disebut dengan "processor", sedangkan data tersimpan di dalam "harddisk". Ketika satu dekade lebih lalu data berubah menjadi "clouding" ala Steve Jobs, maka cyberspace punya semesta sendiri. Data pun berubah menjadi sesuatu yang membuat awan menjadi gelap. Awan gelap itulah yang kemudian memunculkan hujan, sehingga membasahi bumi yang kekeringan. Tapi problem sekarang adalah "big data", dimana jumlahnya bisa menyebabkan banjir data yang justru merusak. 

Sesuai dengan diskusi malam ini, maka saya simpulkan bahwa proses yang benar-benar dibutuhkan sekarang adalah...

#HumanAsBiocomputer ---> #ArtificialConciousness ---> #Humanoid

Jadi kegelisahan salah satu personel #FreethinkerClub ada benarnya. Sebab pemanfaatan AI untuk kehidupan sehari-hari bukan sekedar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan otak (Human as Biocomputer).


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