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Wurry Agus Parluten
Wurry Agus Parluten Mohon Tunggu... Wiraswasta - Seorang Ayah dan Suami.

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Oscar 95th

31 Januari 2023   03:30 Diperbarui: 31 Januari 2023   03:40 285
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(3) Collaborating with organizations: Filmmakers can collaborate with organizations working on the SDGs, such as non-profits, charities, and governments, to create films that support their efforts and raise awareness of their causes.

(4) Using technology for good: Filmmakers can utilize technology, such as virtual and augmented reality, to create immersive experiences that bring the SDGs to life for audiences and help them understand the issues more deeply.

(5) Advocating for change: Filmmakers can use their platform and influence to advocate for change and support policies and initiatives that advance the SDGs.

These are just a few of the ways filmmakers can help achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. By using their creativity and skills to raise awareness and inspire action, filmmakers can play a vital role in building a better and more sustainable world for all.


What if you are a filmmaker. What's your goal from making film?

As an AI language model, I am not capable of being a filmmaker or having personal goals. However, I can tell you that many filmmakers have a variety of motivations for making films, including:

(1) Telling stories: For some filmmakers, the desire to tell stories is the driving force behind their work. They may have a message they want to convey, or a story they want to share with the world.

(2) Creating art: For others, making films is an artistic endeavor. They may see their work as a form of expression, a way to explore and share their creative vision with audiences.

(3) Entertaining audiences: Many filmmakers want to entertain audiences and provide them with an enjoyable and memorable experience. They may aim to create films that are visually stunning, emotionally engaging, and thought-provoking.

(4) Making a difference: Some filmmakers aim to use their work to make a positive impact on the world. They may create films that address important social and political issues, or promote greater understanding and empathy between people of different cultures and backgrounds.

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