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Kuningan: a city of a thousand nuances at the western tip of Java.

18 Desember 2024   17:55 Diperbarui: 18 Desember 2024   17:55 57
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Kuningan is a regency that is administratively located in the West Java province. Directly bordering Cirebon Regency to the north, Brebes Regency to the east, Ciamis and Cilacap Regencies to the south, and Majalengka Regency to the west. Kuningan Regency is geographically located between 06 47' -- 07 12' South Latitude and 108 23' -- 108 47' East Longitude. The total area of Kuningan Regency reaches 1,195.71 km or about 2.52% of the area of West Java Province ( 44,357.00 km). Most of the area consists of hilly mountain slopes with an average elevation in the northern and western parts of around 700 m, and in the southern and eastern parts between 120 m and 222 m. The western and southern areas are highlands located below Mount Ciremai (3,078 m above sea level), which are fertile with volcanic deposits and rich in water resources, including rivers, reservoirs, and springs, while the eastern and northern areas are lowlands. This condition makes Kuningan Regency quite potential for the development of the fisheries sector.(Cikitha et al., 2018). 

The Origin of Kuningan City

Discussing its history, this region was previously named Kajene before being changed to Kuningan. There are several versions regarding the origin of the name Kuningan based on oral traditions and legends. One of the most famous versions is that the word "Kuningan" is derived from a brass bowl (container) used in various rituals and scholarly tests by religious figures. Another version links this name to the metal brass. History records that in that region, there were many discoveries of bronze during prehistoric times.(Thresnawaty, 2016).

Kota Kuningan was born on September 1, 1498, marking the beginning of the official government under the Kuningan regent. Regarding its history, it is not without the involvement of two religions, namely Hinduism and Islam.

Customs and Traditions

Regionally, the people of Kuningan are part of the Sundanese tribe. The Sundanese tribe itself is one of the major tribes in Indonesia, inhabiting the West Java region. Famous for its community's friendly and gentle characteristics, and rich in cultural traditions inherited from ancestors. 

Kuningan has a unique tradition, in the form of a customary ceremony that is usually held every year. Like the Seren Taun traditional ceremony held by the community as an expression of gratitude for the abundant harvest. And there are many more traditional ceremonies that are interesting to witness.

Tourist Attractions

The atmosphere in Kuningan is not complete without the beauty of Mount Ciremai. Mount Ciremai is a favorite destination for climbers in Indonesia. With an elevation of 3,078 meters above sea level (masl), Mount Ciremai offers beautiful views with a spread of stunning edelweiss flowers that can delight the eyes of hikers.

No less interesting than the mountains, Kuningan has many waterfalls that can delight the eyes, such as Curug Bangkong located in Kertawirama Village, Nusaherang District, Kuningan Regency. This waterfall offers a view of a waterfall and a river with clear flowing water, instilling a sense of tranquility within. Besides Curug Bangkong, there are many other waterfalls that can be visited, such as Curug Putri, Curug Landung, and others.

Moving a little to the edge of Kuningan, there is a water dam or reservoir called Waduk Darma. Waduk Darma offers beautiful lake views, accompanied by a charming restaurant that can make visitors feel at home. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the reservoir accompanied by the serene cool air of Kuningan.

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