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Challenges and Opportunity for Islamic Political Parties in the Era of Globalization

3 Juli 2024   22:42 Diperbarui: 3 Juli 2024   22:47 29
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Islamic politics is a political view and movement based on Islamic principles. What is meant by Islamic Political Party is a political organization that combines Islamic principles and teachings in political policy, and Islamic political parties are formed to fight for justice, public welfare, defend and apply Islamic values to society. In playing the role of Islamic political parties themselves have challenges in facing problems and have opportunities in the Era of Globalization.

The challenges faced by Islamic political parties in the era of globalization are very complex and diverse such as the occurrence of Modernization and the concept of secularism which is very contrary to Islamic principles. The second is competition with other parties because Islamic political parties not only compete with other parties that have different ideological bases but also with other religious-based parties and that will cause divisions and weaken political power. 

The third challenge faced is global issues such as issues of terrorism, radicalization, and Islamophobia at the global level can affect public perceptions of Islamic political parties, with this need to respond and deal seriously with these issues. And the last is by increasing political education and awareness for their circles and the community. In facing these challenges, Islamic political parties need to develop a mature strategy by combining Islamic values with the needs and demands of modern times.

In the era of globalization, Islamic political parties face many challenges, but also have significant opportunities to further develop, here are some opportunities that can be utilized by Islamic political parties, namely the first is as a role in education and awareness of politics with a focus on education and political awareness, Islamic political parties can build an educational support base. 

The second is Strengthening Cultural and Religious Identity, in the era of globalization, many people are looking for identity and meaning in their lives, Islamic political parties can play an important role in strengthening cultural and religious identity. The third is Social Mobilization and Digital Technology because in the era of globalization technology and social media are very influential as a medium for Islamic political parties to reach a wider and easier audience, by using the right digital content, they can garner support, educate voters, and organize campaigns more effectively. 

The last one is Conducting Diplomacy and International Relations with other countries because Islamic political parties can strengthen their position by building strong international relations with other Muslim-majority countries, by doing international cooperation can bring economic, political and social benefits. 

By making good use of these opportunities, Islamic political parties can increase their influence and participation in the political arena, while contributing positively to the wider society. By facing the challenges and opportunities to improve the political system, Islamic political parties will strengthen Islamic political parties in Indonesia.

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