Semua masalah atau kasus akan terlihat “sama saja” dan “biasa saja” karena mata hati kita buta, mulut telah dijahit oleh kepentingan-kepentingan, telinga ditulikan karena dirasa tidak menguntungkan. Bersiaplah untuk mengubur hati nurani yang telah mati!
Seorang pemulung ilmu yang tinggal di SWIS (Sekitar Wilayah Sudiang),Makassar. Penggemar Sepakbola, blogger, peneliti, aktivis NGO, punya bisnis jaringan dan seorang citizen reporter yang berafiliasi pada organisasi Aliansi Penulis-Pewarta Warga Indonesia (APPWI),
This is an expression of my blog, the story, the journey of my life. I just wanted to write a story to share. journey that has gone through and what I was feeling Because life is only one time and probably will not return anything that I felt was part of the story I'm going through in this world and my story with anyone who blend into the story that exists , life is short phrase shortest elapsed, the shortest sunrise and sunset, as short as the good times and the difficult passing. Shortest whatever happens in this world Because of all the living. created and that happened all that nothing is eternal. as did myself.