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Ilmu Sosbud

Trifles, the discrimination toward woman's right

1 Desember 2021   20:49 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2021   05:14 304
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Trifles is a play written by Susan Glaspell that published in 1916. This play is categorized as a drama tragedy, because it talks about investigation on a murder case of a man. This play contains elements of revenge and alleged words that makes this play is restricted to some audience, especially for children audience, it is because their mental is still growing. This play has literary elements here the analysed part that we can take can start from plot,characters, setting, point of view and also the moral value of the play.

The plot in this play is mixed plot, it is because when the play start in investigation scene there are several parts when the scene is going back to the past. The exposition of this play begins when in the kitchen with several characters start to make a conversation. Then the rising action rise when Mr. Hale told the country attorney about what was happen at Mr. Wright's family house. In that time Mr. Hale entered to Mr. Wright's house for some reason and met Minnie or as the author also call as Mrs. Wright who was sitting in a rocking chair. First of all, Mr. Hale actually forbidden by Minnie to meet Mr. Wright, but Mr. Hale said on meeting Mr. Wright. Finally, Minnie told Mr. Hale that her husband had died. Then the play entering to climax of the play it is When Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale assisting their husband to investigate Mr. Wright's house, while looking in the kitchen, they found a nest without birds. Then after some more examination, they found a red box containing a dead bird with a broken neck inside. Then comes to the falling action of this play is when Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale hide the red box they found from the sheriff and country attorney. finally, is the denountmen, the play ends when the Sheriff keeps joking about their trivial thing's women do and asks the country attorney if they have to check Mrs. Peter's luggage, but the district police say no and what Mrs. Peters brought is safe, so Mrs. Peters hides the box containing the evidence

This play has 6 characters in it, and they are Minnie, Mr. Peters, Mrs. Peters, Mr. Hale, Mrs. Hale and Country Attorney who have different their own characteristic. But I only analyse the characteristics of the main character in this play, firstly Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Peters is a calm person because she is clever, she capable to critical thinking in certain things. She is actually a wise woman who strict to the law. Mrs. Peters firmness evidence is when she saying "But Mrs. Hale, the law is the law." to Mrs. Hale when Mrs. Hale began to express her empathy as a fellow woman.

There are several settings of place in this play, and they are the kitchen, room and house of Mr. Wright. The kitchen is shown at the start of the play, which describe the atmosphere of the kitchen which looks messy and has not been used for a while. In addition, during the investigation scene they also searched the evidence in the kitchen due to searching for evidence of Mr. Wright murder. The room is shown when Mr. Hale arrives and finds Mr. Wright in the bedroom and also when Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale found a knitting quilt. It all happened inside of Mr. Wright's family house.

The final part is the point of view of this play and the conclusion. Trifles here using third-person, omniscient perspective. This proven where the author creates a play were the point of view is no in a character. Shown when the atmosphere is developed from conversations between characters inside the play, that cause the reader imagine about what actually happen. The narrator also describes the information directly using the script (without being in the lines of a character). The conclusion of this play is human feeling is very important, it should be threatened appropriately. A life from a man for a bird life is unacceptable and to violent, but also it is because of lack of understanding that makes it happen. Of course, forgiveness is actually a good choice. But if it the mental or the heart was already breaking who else who can cure it. rebuilding the broken part might be solve this issue. So, start talking from heath to hearth, and then a good relationship will come in it.

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