(“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe,” : Gail Devers)
This is a moderated blog. Any comment contributing to a serious discussion is welcome. Some people may not agree with the content of some posts, but please refrain from abusive, profane, or offensive language in your comments - they will automatically be deleted, as will all comments that have no bearing whatsoever on the subject and/or only serve to slight or even insult the author.
hanya perempuan kebanyakan dengan cita-cita 'kebanyakan' ;-) , yaitu jadi penonton, pemain, penutur, wasit, sekaligus ... penghibur. (^_^) \r\n\r\nblog personal saya adalah yosendascope.blogspot.com.
Tidak semua bisa dibeli dengan uang terutama idealisme perjuangan. Hilangkan mental budak yang jadikan kita abadi sebagai manusia jajahan. Bebaskanlah diri kita. Jadilah manusia yang MERDEKA !
Tracht gut, vet zein gut ( Yiddish language)“Think good, and it will be good.”
Fighting evil is a very noble activity when it must be done. But it is not our mission in life.
Our job is to bring in more light.