Peran Vital Keamanan Siber di Era Industri 4.0 & Masyarakat 5.0
(The Vital Role of Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0 & Society 5.0)
Arman Widodo
Mahasiswa Prodi Sistem Informasi Universitas Siber Asia
In this paper, we will discuss Industry 4.0 & Society 5.0 starting from history, definitions and very rapid technological developments as the main impact. Industry 4.0 which is centered on Artificial Intelligence (AI) or machines, where the role of AI replaces the role of humans. Meanwhile, Society 5.0 utilizes the synergy of humans and the latest technology as a new value. Today all human aspects of political, economic, social-cultural and military are connected to the cyber space. This makes cyber crime the biggest potential threat to all aspects of life that are interconnected in cyber space. Therefore, cyber security has a vital role to prevent cyber crimes.Â
Key Words : Industry 4.0, Society 5.0, Cyber Security.