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Why is Child Abuse from Parents Still Happens Frequently?

17 November 2022   13:47 Diperbarui: 17 November 2022   13:53 120
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Many people still experience abuse from others around them, including some who experience abuse from their own parents. Not everyone comes from a happy, loving household or has healthy, nonabusive relationships with their parents. But what is abuse? Abuse is defined as a violent act committed repeatedly against one party by another. Every year, more than half of the children in the world between the ages of 2 and 17 are victims of child abuse, yet parents still aren't aware of their mistreatment towards their own children.

There are several factors why child abuse continues to occur in modern society. Some factors include normalizing the act of abuse, lacking in parenting education, and having a difficulty in bonding between parent and children. Acts of abuse in a family household are usually still normalized, especially in the eastern part of the world. Some people believe that abusing your children is a good method to teach them a lesson whenever they make a mistake, when it's actually the opposite. As for lacking in parenting education, it typically happens to a young married couple who had their children at a young age. Young couples who become parents frequently lack the appropriate skills and knowledge for raising children, which then can lead to them not knowing how to control their emotions and would let out their frustrations at their children. Having a difficulty in bonding between parents and children is also one of the biggest factors of why child abuse happens, because disagreements and misunderstandings between parents and children who are unable to form strong bonds can escalate into violence when things get heated.

Abuse from parents comes in so many different forms, many people believe that abuse is only physical, however children can commonly endure many other types of abuse. One of the most frequent forms of abuse that is typically aimed at children is gaslighting, such as by belittling of their emotions. Others also experience sexual assault, which is when someone makes sexual things toward them, for example like unwanted sexual acts or sexual comments. Children can also be the victims of physical abuse, which includes hitting, slapping, kicking, and other forms of inflicting harm on others.

Children who have been abused often face aftereffects. Those aftereffects are the emergence of mental disease.When a person experiences anything that sets off a reaction in their body, mental illness may develop until the body responds to the trigger, those mental disease includes anxiety, depression, PTD (Post Traumatic Disorder), eating disorder, learning disorder, etc. Trauma from growing up in an abusive environment may accompany and stay with you for a limited or longed period of time, it may disturb you from doing your normal daily activities or just doing things in general. The worst aftereffects are self-harm and suicidal thoughts, which both of them could lead an individual to death.

Act of abuse is dangerous and should be prevented. As a result, to prevent abuse from happening, parents should become more skilled at parenting and make sure to treat their kids the way they would want to be treated. And to do that, parents should attempt spending more time with their kids and being more vulnerable with them by having meaningful or casual interactions with them. If doing those things is still difficult, parents may want to seek expert advice on what to do or how to strengthen their bond with their child. As for the children, if abuse continues to occur often and none of the previous suggestions have been helpful, you should seek out assistance. Nobody should accept abuse as normal; it is intolerable.

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