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Review of "Sherlock Sam and the Missing Heirloom in Katong"

26 Maret 2013   21:14 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   16:10 97
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[caption id="attachment_251379" align="alignnone" width="372" caption="Koleksi pribadi"][/caption] Titles : Sherlock Sam and the Missing Heirloom in Katong Author : Felicia Law - Jimenez Publisher : January 2013, Epigram Book Singapore Page : 112 pages ISBN : 9789810747503 Edition Language : English Sherlock Sam and the Missing Heirloom in Katong is a children’s book. I am very exited to read this book. Felicia Low – Jimenez make the giveaway on goodreads and I have entered for the giveaway. And then I am the winners of the ten people to win copy this book. Felicia Law to send this book for me from Singapore. Felicia was born and raised in Singapore. She started work in the book industry after completing her degree in Business Administration. She also attained her graduate degree in Literary Theory from the University of New England in New South Wales, Australia. The Sherlock Sam series is Felicia’s debut writing effort, after accumulating years of experience buying, selling and marketing books. Sherlock Sam, Singapore’s greatest kid detective. Sherlock Sam will stop at nothing to solve the case, no matter how big or small! Sherlock Sam, a ten year old boy with eyes bigger than his tummy, Sherlock’s heroes are Sherlock Holmes, Batman and his dad. Extremely smart and observant, Sherlock often takes it upon himself to solve any and all mysteries-big aor small. He love comics and superheroes. Watson, built by Sherlock to be his trusty, cheery sidekick, Watson is, instead, a grumphy “old man” who is reluctantly drawn into Sherlock’s adventures; or as Watson perceives then, his misadventures. Watson is environmentally friendly. Wendy is Sherlock’s older sister. Jimmy is Sherlock’s classmate, Jimmy is the only boy in a Peranakan family with four sisters. Dad, an engineer, Sherlock’s dad is ascientific genius, but is rather forgetful and bumbling in real life. Mom, a homemaker, Sherlock’s mom is half-Peranakan and is contstantly experimenting in the kitchen. Auntie Kim Lian, a Peranakan matriarch, Auntie Kim Lian is renowned for the cooking skills. Fiercely protective of her grandchildren and her family recipes, she loves cooking for Sherlock Sam because he loves her food. “Sam, are you ready? It’s Saturday! We are having breakfast with Jimmy and Auntie Kim Lian at Chin Mee Chin, remember?” “Of course I do!” I said, kicking the last crumb beneath the bed. I loved eating breakfast at Chin Mee Chin Confectionery. It was my favourite place in Katong, but Mom said I could not go too often. The little bakery along East Coast Road was very crowded. Jimmy and his grandma, Auntie Kim Lian, were already there and had saved us seats. Auntie Kim Lian was Pearanakan, like Mom and her family had lived in Katong for generations. Chin Mee Chin was special to Mom because the bakery still looked like it did in the old photographs her family had taken when she was a little girl. “Do you want to come over to Auntie’s house later? I am thinking of making your favourite ayam buah keluak.” Of course I did! Auntie Kim Lian’s ayam buah keluak was legendary! “Auntie Kim Lian has been cooking ayam buah keluak since before I was born!” Mom said. “Hello, Auntie Kim Lian! Nice to see you here. I wanted to thank you for your help that day! I couldn’t have finished my project without your precious family recipe book,” he said. “Oh, hello, dear,” Auntie Kim Lian replied, smilling. “It was no problem at all Your mom is my good friend, of course I will help her soon.” “Next time, Auntie will cook for me, right?” Auntie Kim Lian laughed and agreed. *** Family recipe book is so precious, consider it a family heirloom. This recipe book has been in my family for many generations. Even before my grandparents came to Singapore from Malacca. Mak Cho is grandmother Auntie Kim Lian. Mak Cho started writing her home-cooked recipes when she married my Kong Cho. It was very important for Peranakan women to learn to cook well for their husbands back then. Auntie Kim Lian can’t find recipe book. “let’s retrace your steps, Auntie. When was the last time you had the recipe book?” Sherlock Sam asked. One of the first rules of detective work is to start from the very beginning. People often forget important details that seem small to them. It’s my job to find out what they are. “Sherlock-should-ride-a-bicycle-before-dinner,” Watson Said. Two weeks ago Auntie Kim Lian haven’t used it since. It was a Sunday. Auntie Kim Lian did bring it to Katong Antique House that day. The young man was going to photograph it along with other Peranakan family heirlooms for this project. *** When Auntie Kim Lian’s precious Peranakan cookbook disappears, Sherlock Sam cannot eat her delicious ayam buah keluak anymore! Will Sherlock Sam be able to use his super detective powers to find this lost treasure? To find it so read this book  Sherlock Sam and the Missing Heirloom in Katong is a children book, a thrilling kid’s detective romp and this book so funniest. If you have a little brother or a little sister so can you give this book, it’s very interesting to learn English for children and interesting to read a story Sherlock Sam, Singapore’s greatest kid detective.

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