As explained in the previous article, during October, Communication Science students of 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta and 10 MSMEs from Yogyakarta conducted a workshop on digital marketing at Rumah BUMN (RuBY) Yogyakarta. with Bondan Satria as the resource person, where the activity was carried out for 1 full month with 2 meetings.
After the workshop ended, the next activity was to collaborate directly in an effort to apply the digital marketing knowledge gained. Students are divided into several groups, each of which contains 1 MSME and 2 students. In this division, I, Arizah Hasna' Araf, had the opportunity to form a team with Alfichoirofi Nisak and collaborate with MSMEs Mbokemplok.
We both made partner visits on Saturday, May 11, 2022. The visit was filled with getting to know each other between students and MSMEs, as well as looking at the location of MSMEs to be able to consider what marketing concepts are suitable.
After being in the MSME location for a long time, it was a little difficult for us to find a concept that was suitable, so they inevitably did not produce results on the first visit. Another factor is that I feel unwell, which makes my activities less optimal.Â
Although the concept of marketing has not yet been obtained, we are not standing still. However, they do other activities, namely taking product photos for future purposes.
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