Mohon tunggu...
Aris Balu
Aris Balu Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - Penulis

Menulis seputar fiksi dan fantasi || Bajawa, Nusa Tenggara Timur



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Puisi: "Sugar" by Aris Balu

15 Juli 2022   21:33 Diperbarui: 16 Juli 2022   13:34 148
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Where is it, where is that sweet crystal of reminiscence?

My lips beg for the essence more than the tickling white smoke, or the black mud of caffeine

I searched everywhere for the box was empty, yet yesterday it was plenty

Don't look at me like that, my addiction is justified

why can't I enjoy the simple things in life?

What's wrong with bringing the day into the night?

these words ain't writing itself, these pages are useless without me

I'll stay awake another day, breathe my soul into the story

Ah, there you are, sugar, don't leave me alone facing the entropy


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