Mohon tunggu...
Aris Balu
Aris Balu Mohon Tunggu... Penulis

Menulis seputar fiksi dan fantasi || Bajawa, Nusa Tenggara Timur




Puisi "Hope" by Aris Balu

8 Juli 2022   17:23 Diperbarui: 8 Juli 2022   17:37 185
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Another one of those days, the pattern gets bigger by the hours

Another prayer echoes on these walls, like a whisper within the hurricane

I turn on the TV, hoping to find light beneath my mind, or should I read another book, like the time of my youth

No, I've lost the spark, for knowledge is no longer intriguing, and logic has lost its meaning

It's funny how reason needs a purpose to exist, like how the sea needs the moon, the rose needs water, and I need you

On another one of those days, the pattern chains my mind

Each line tells me that I belong to you, maybe, I am but a blind man

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