"Hayu Batur Urang Diajar Sing Suhud Ulah Lalawora Bisi Engke Hn'teu Naek Batur Seuri Urang Sumegruk Nalangsa" -Sundanese Pupuh-
From Left to Right: Me, Kak. Onny Jamhari, Ph.D, Susadi Nario Saputra
Having a scholarship has become a dream for everyone. However, not many people know how to win the scholarship. Below are tips how to get the scholarship. 1. The Nature of Scholarship I do suggest that those who are interested to find a scholarship really pay attention to the nature of the scholarship itself. Each scholarship has different purpose and target groups. Therefore, sometimes being smart is not the only criteria to be accepted in a certain scholarship because he/she is not a part of the target group. 2. Read Instruction carefully before filling the application form Reading instruction is an important thing before the applicant fills in the application form. It will give a clear direction on how they should fill in the forms correctly. Sometimes, some of them even do not read the instruction; as a result at the end they often make unnecessary mistakes. You also need to prepare supporting documents as requested. 3. Fill in Every Single Point in the Application Form Please pay attention to every single point and never leave it blank since each point is really important. The scholarship committees want to get the details information about the applicants. If you do not fill in the application form as it is supposed to be, I wonder how the reviewers will be impressed with your application. This is the most vital part as you are selling yourself to the committees. 4. Reread the application form after completing the form It is better to reread the application form to ensure that everything has been filled in correctly. You can also highlight some important points that you can focus on and try to develop your ideas that can give the spotlight to you. 5. Have other people to review your application Please ask other people to review/proofread your application and then ask them to give feedback. This will help you to have a different point of view from them. You strongly recommend asking people who have experienced in the scholarship process or got scholarship before. 6. Sending the Application Please check the final application and make sure that your application is clean. There are no strains and wrinkles in your application form. You also have to pay attention to the deadline since it takes sometime to arrive to the scholarship commitee. Finally, send your application both through e-mail (if it is allowed) or mail with a return receipt. Please keep in mind that winning a scholarship is a process. We have to be PERSISTENCE and THINK POSITIVELY how great the reward is if eventually you get the scholarship. "The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead" -Aristoteles- Pray to Allah and Make sure that our Parents and family support us Thanks to: 1. Kak. Ony Avrianto Jamhari, Ph.D. (a Fulbright Alumnus of Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program at Stanford University: Currently, he is working as a Program Officer for the Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program at Indonesian International Education Foundation; He can reached at ony.jamhari@iief.or.id) 2. Kak. Agus Haeruman, S.Si. (Founder Beasiswa Kaka Asuh Forsalim; http://www.forsalim.org) 3. Kak. Iqbal Robiyana, S.Pd. (Founder Beasiswa Menata Mimpi) Terima Kasih Semoga Bermanfaat.
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