Assalamualaikum wr wb,
Alhamdulillahi robbil 'alamin, wabihinasta'inu 'ala umuriddunnya waddin, assholatu wassalamu 'ala ashrofil anbiya'i walmursalin, sayyidina wamaulana muhammadin, wa'ala 'alihi washohbihi ajmain amma ba'du
Excelency to Mr. Imam Taufiq as the rector of Walisongo State Islamic University, Respectable to all the lectures, Honorable all of the adjudicators,Â
Honorable all of the comittee, Ladies n Gentleman,
First of all, i would like to say thank you very much to the greatest Lord Allah swt for his blessing n mercies so that we can attend this meeting in a good condition.
Secondly, may sholawat n salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad saw, may Allah bless him, his family n his friends,
And i dont forget to say thankyou very much for giving me time to deliver my speech.
Ladies and Gentleman,
The creative economy is a concept in a new economic era that intensifies information and creativity by relying on ideas and knowledge from human resources as the main factor of production. The potential of the creative economy in indonesia shows a significant increase every year. the question is, who is suitable to run this sector?Â
So ladies and gentleman, here standing in front of you all, i would like to deliver my speech under the tittle is "Youth devotion in the creative economy"
Ladies and Gentleman,
The answer to the previous question is already in the title. Yeah that's right, the answer is the youth. The youth is the one of the valuable assets for a nation. Â The youth are very suitable to run this sector because they have a creative, inovative, open minded and passionate nature that really helps the development of the creative economy in indonesia.Â
There are so many indonesian youth who succeed in this sector. One of the most famous is Nadiem Makariem. He succeeded in developing a creative industry namely Gojek. In this day, who doesn't know about Gojek, surely we all know and even use this application in daily life. Gojek has succeeded in reducing unemployment in indonesia and expanding overseas, such as Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Philippines which is very helpful for economic progress in indonesia. Seeing this condition, the government hopes that this sector becomes a major supporter for indonesian economics.
Ladies and Gentleman,
There are some steps that young people can take to develop a creative economy, are :
First, being able to think creatively in business; Second, realize the creative ideas into a business; Third, has a strong nature and never give up; Fourth, have knowledges; Fifth, run a business based on islamic law, in order to keep getting blessings from Allah SWT
But ladies and gentleman, the problem is, there are still many youth in indonesia who don't understand what the creative economy is, and many of them didn't care at all. Even though, it has become our responsibility as youth to developing indonesian creative  economy.
So Ladies n gentleman,
The solution that can be done is, we need to make them aware of the importance of their role in this creative economy. Â Youth need to go to the field to transfer their knowledge and their abilities to the community.Â
Although they have never struggled in creative economy before, but at least the ideas and conceptions put forward by the youth can benefit society. Let us as the young generation play a role in developing indonesia creative economy so that we can reducing unemployment and poverty in our country and indonesia becomes a developed country.
Ladies n Gentleman,
Thats all my speech today, thankyou for your nice attention, I will close this speech with a quote from our first president, soekarno "Give me 1000 eldest, i will take off semeru from its root, but just give me 10 youth,surely i will shake the world" im sorry for every my single mistakes, the last i say
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
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