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Benefits of Online Payment Services Providers

12 Agustus 2021   00:01 Diperbarui: 12 Agustus 2021   00:15 144
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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp

Merchants should offer many options for customers to choose from, with so many digital payment options available today - including credit or debit cards and mobile money. Merchants can accept multiple payment methods via an online PSP. The PSP facilitates merchants setting up multiple payment methods.

Fiserv recently conducted a survey and found that 43% of customers prefer shopping online at stores that accept multiple payment options. PSPs allow online businesses and retailers to meet this demand. PSPs can also manage, review and track all online transactions via their web-based payments platform.

Accept mobile money and cross-border mobile payments

Mobile payments are a fast and efficient alternative to cash and cards. Mobile payments are easy and quick for consumers to use on their mobile devices to pay. Mobile money and cross-border payments should be accepted by your PSP. This will make it easier for both you and your customers. Mobile payments offer many benefits, including:

Even those without a bank account can access financial services

Simplicity and ease

Merchants can accept payment at any location

Transactions are protected with enhanced security measures

Multi-currency and cross-border transactions are possible, which means that you can make international payments without any restrictions and have a larger customer base.

mobile payment

Multicurrency Support

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