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Ardianto Panahatan Butarbutar, SE
Ardianto Panahatan Butarbutar, SE Mohon Tunggu... Banker -

Akademisi Pekerja Keuangan Pengamat




Business Strength and Dimensions

17 Februari 2015   09:51 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   11:03 16
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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="699" caption="Our Office"][/caption] Sumber : 1. Competition among Existing Firms - Industry Growth - Fixed Costs - Product Differences - Brand Identity - Switching Costs - Concentration and Balance - Diversity of Competitors - Exit Barriers 2. Bargaining Power and Dependency of Suppliers (Inputs/Supply) - Differentiation of inputs - Input cost relative to total purchases and total variable cost - Input cost relative to total cost - Presence of substitute inputs - Switching costs of suppliers and firms in the industry - Supplier concentration (Location) - Importance of volume to supplier 3. Bargaining Powers of Buyers to Determine What to Pay/Buy a. Bargaining Leverage : - Buyer concentration - Buyer volume - Buyer switching costs relative to firm switching costs - Buyers' information - Ability to backward integrate - Substitute products b. Price Sensitivity : - Price / Total Purchase - Product Differences - Brand Identity - Impact on Quality and Performance - Buyer Profits/Benefits - Decision Makers Incentives 4. Entry Barriers for Potential Entrants (Potential New Competitor) - Economies of Scale - Proprietary Product Differences - Brand Identity - Switching Costs - Capital Requirements - Agreement & Exclusivity (Exclusive Provider) - Access to Distributions - Absolute Cost Advantages - Learning Curve - Access to Necessary Inputs - Proprietary Processes - Government Policies - Expected Retaliation 5. Threat of Substitute Product or Services - Relative Price Performance of Subtitutes - Switching Costs - Buyer Prospensity to Subtitute Ardianto Consulting and Incubation Jl. Pukat (Asrama POLRI Pasar Merah) No. 16 Medan - Sumatera Utara HP : +62 822 - 7394 - 3594 Email : Linkedin : BBM Channel : C002728F5 BBM : 53A8E86F Skype : ardiantoconsult Facebook : Twitter : Short technical commentaries made in Blog and Social Media are short technical abstract only. Full materials consist of productivity potential (benefit & profit), potential risks & potential losses mapping, ideal technical structures, formulas & quantitative methods, diagrams/thematics/blueprint/map, applied data (statistical) optimization and standard operational procedure (include law instructions). With option (conditional) making the prototype. We will provide frequent seminars at certain places in Medan. Materials and Publications will be delivered by notice.

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