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Movie Review "Tormented"

7 April 2020   18:31 Diperbarui: 7 April 2020   18:34 31
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By: Naura Nadiva (6B/173211055), Yunita Aqliyah (6B/173211065), Yulia Pradhita (6B/173211069)

Tormented is the movie that produced by LITERATORY in 2018. It is directed by Abdul Mh Faiz. The main actor is acted by Marwah as Diana and Reva Alvi as Dianto. This movie mostly talks about a girl's thoughts of feminism around. The movie beginned by a marriage of a young girl named Diana (acted by Marwah) and Dianto (acted by Reva Alvi). 

Before her marriage, Diana got a traditional veil from Dianto's mother. The veil is expected to be used from generation to generation until it draws the strong meaning of the veil itself.  In the scene when their first come to their house, Diana's expression really shows her anxiety. Then, she only spends her leisure time by reading books every day.

When she goes out, she found a group of young women who aren't continuing their studies and decided to get married in a young age. In other cases, she found a group of people act like they doing a strange ritual in a grave. 

Diana thought all of these things are illogical and they are uneducated as she is an independent woman and her passions are studying and working. In the time when Diana told these cases to her husband, the husband said unexpected response as he is an educated man, "Why do you have to go to college? It's better if you stayed at home and just let me work. 

You are a woman, your job is taking care of this house, as a girl in general". This scene was showing feminism since it draws inequality between men and women and mapping them by the rule of the habit of society around. This scene supported by Diana's mother's scene "for the women like us, there's nothing we can do. Our life has been determined by our environment". 

These all things make Diana become over thinking and hallucinating. She always thinks negatively even to her own husband. She thought, was born as women such as a sin, you are bounded by the rules of society and prohibited for lots of things. 

It makes people underrates women and applied it to a habit. Such the carved object in the traditional veil, it has a strong role in making the veil. But, most people didn't understand about this carved object as they don't understand about the role of women and equality.

The main actor in this movie (Reva Alvi and Marwah) acted their role in a good way. Diana acted like she was really depressed and sucked by the situation around. But sometimes some of her expression didn't match with the background voice of thought. The family, the neighbor, people in the cemetery, and the villagers support the movie well by their acting. 

The plot of this movie a little bit confused, it makes the audience should presume the meaning of the actor's act. The music and special effect are suitable and really supported the tone of this movie. But sometimes the voice of the actor didn't suitable for the visual showed by the movie. The voice of the actor comes some second faster than its visual. 

This movie takes a village as their setting of place and the story started from morning to night (clear setting). The costumes are matching with their act, but it's a little bit confusing when Dianto works as a lecture but he lives in a village where the villagers the education isn't important enough. It raises the question of who was taught by him. 

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