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Aqila DwiZahra
Aqila DwiZahra Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Senior Student

Hi! I am Aqila. I am 21 years old, I was born in Karawang, West Java. I am an international relations student at the University of Singaperbangsa Karawang. I took this major because I wanted to go abroad and explore the world. I'm here to try new experiences in writing articles and hopefully my articles will be useful for many people. Have a nice day everyone!




Implementation of the Role of Social Media for Youth in the Era Globalization

24 Desember 2022   16:20 Diperbarui: 24 Desember 2022   20:25 373
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As a result of the existence of social media, directly causes changes in society, changes in culture, changes in their lifestyle, and other changes. Changes in adolescents are especially seen in culture, these changes can be a set of behavioral changes that are easy to do, for example, in the way of speaking or communicating, dressing, eating, and entering one's cultural identity. It's as if they forget their own culture, and prefer to apply foreign culture in their lives.

Social change in adolescents

According to Wlliam F. Ogburn, the scope of social change consists of both material and immaterial elements of culture. Social change occurs because of discoveries or modifications in society, one of which is modifications in technology are increasingly developing to create social media in people's lives, especially teenagers. The changes that occur in these students include the style of communication or interaction, language, style of dress, and others, which all enter a major influence on the daily lives of these teenagers. 

First is the style of communication. In the past when we wanted to talk about something or just tell stories we needed time to meet each other, but after social media, we can communicate with each other only through chat features via social media such as BBM, line, WA, and others. Many teenagers admit that they prefer to communicate via social media because it can save time without having to meet face to face. So indirectly this has changed our style of communicating with and interacting. 

Second, change the language. Even though they still use Indonesian in their everyday language, the use of foreign languages in playing social media cannot be avoided. For example, uploading a photo but writing a description of the photo in English, not infrequently even when they hang out they use English. Because English is indeed a global language, and according to teenagers now they will look cool/in slang if they are using English. Apart from that, social media has also created strange languages called “alay” language, such as the spirit of being “grubby” and so on.

 As a result of environmental factors and globalization, every generation of teenagers, especially in the city of Surakarta, most of them do not understand Kromo or Kromo Inggil Javanese, for them this level of language is difficult to understand today. Unknowingly these things happen due to the influence of social media and the current era of globalization.

Third, changes in interaction patterns. Teenagers claim they can use the internet to broaden their horizons and broaden their associations and friendships. They admit that without meeting face to face and getting acquainted in person they can be friends with anyone from anywhere and can meet new friends on their social media accounts.

However, you need to be vigilant because in this day and age there are so many crimes happening in cyberspace, many have become victims of murder, kidnapping, and other crimes as a result of knowing other people through social media. Of course, this is a concern for all of us to be more vigilant and not easily trust people we just met on social media.

Fourth, changes in appearance/fashion. Some of them are stylish with their hair dyed in various colors following western culture where the majority of people there are blonde. Even scantily clad in public, following the Korean style preferred by today's youth and the style of their KPOP idols. So that many teenagers do not want to preserve the nation's culture by dressing modestly according to the personality of the nation. Many teenagers are ashamed to wear our cultural clothes such as "Batik". 

Finally, change the pattern of habits. With the development of social media today, people can not only communicate but also buy and sell transactions, so this causes changes in transactions. In the past, people who wanted to shop for clothes or shoes had to go to a shop/boutique first, but now only with social media can people buy things. Teenagers admitted that they prefer to shop online because the goods they buy are sometimes not for sale in stores or shopping core, even though by shopping online if we are not careful we can become victims of fraud, or sometimes the goods ordered are not the same as the goods sent by the seller.


Another thing that arises as a result of the internet and social media is searching for information and finding information easily without having to read books, newspapers, or magazines. They even admit that sometimes if they get an assignment, they can complete it with the help of social media. All of these things have indirectly changed the habit patterns of today's teenagers.

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