Title: Essay Writing
Author: Otong Setiawan Djuharie
Publisher: Yrama Widya
Year of publication: 2019
Number of pages: 192 pages 18 x 25 cm
The book with the title "Essay Writing" written by Otong Setiawan Djuharie is a book of student learning materials for Essay Writing courses. This book is a continuation of the previous two series of books, namely sentence writing and paragraph writing. This work contains an explanation of how to make a good and correct essay.
The advantage of this book is that it has a brightly colored cover, in my opinion the selection of bright colors makes the reader eager to open and read the book longer, and with the selection of fonts for the cover is very appropriate, besides that the illustration of this book is quite eyecatching with fonts and colors that match the basic color palette on the cover.
The content of the book with the title Essay Writing is enough to explain how to make an essay by giving examples of good essays and then this book is full of guidelines as it contains; structure paragraphs and essay features, essay development, essay development based on essay designation, writing techniques, and essay writing assessment. Not only contains theories on how to make essays, this book also contains exercises which can hone the ability to make essays that are related and a complete unit.
However, every work must have one or even many disadvantages. One of the two shortcomings of this book is that quite a lot of word selection is not in accordance with the rules of Indonesian language and the selection of fonts that change when displaying sample essays in each different chapter, this can cause readers to feel dizzy.
The Essay Writing book can help students to create an essay with a collection of paragraphs that become a continuous whole between one paragraph and another. In other words, all the shortcomings that exist in this book do not reduce its functions and benefits. Otong Setiawan Djuharie has poured knowledge into his work about writing. I highly recommend this book for students who are still struggling to write essays and want to write essays.
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