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Apriliani Wulandari
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Saya adalah mahasiswa dari Universitas Negeri Padang dengan program studi Sastra Inggris. Saya memiliki hobi mendengarkan musik dan menonton film.



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The Advantages of English Learning

10 September 2024   19:33 Diperbarui: 10 September 2024   21:06 30
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Millions of people speak English around the world. Mastering this language has many advantages, both personally and professionally. Expanding communication opportunities with people from different countries is one of the main advantages. Conversing in English makes it easier for people to interact at work, school, or travel in the modern world.

In addition, learning English helps you get more information because most resources, both in academic literature and on the internet, are available in English. By mastering this language, one can expand their knowledge and get the latest information from various fields, such as technology, science and culture.

English proficiency is often a plus in the workplace. Many multinational companies multinational companies are looking for workers who are able to speak English so they can expand their business networks around the world. They can expand their business networks around the world. This language also increases competition in the international labor market and opens up more careers abroad.

Personal development also benefits from learning English. Learning English helps one to become more open to other cultures, improves critical thinking skills, and improve memory. It increases tolerance and cultural understanding, which are essential in an increasingly diverse society.

Thus, learning English not only provides practical benefits, but also enriches life in various aspects.

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