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Ilmu Sosbud

Indoneisa Calling: Their Struggle is Our Struggle, Their Winning is Our Winning

26 November 2022   23:18 Diperbarui: 28 November 2022   09:13 200
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

'Historical events are events or incidents that have their own meaning because they only happened once and cannot be repeated exactly the same way. Each historical event will be different from the previous one. Although sometimes the types of events are the same, the perpetrators, places, and times will definitely be different.'

The struggle for Indonesian independence is an endeavor that really requires a lot of struggle, lots of tears and tears that have been shed by the freedom fighters. the meaning and meaning is very large for the people of Indonesia at the expense of many heroes who are fighting.

By remembering these historical events, our sense of nationalism towards the Indonesian nation will increase even more. There are so many events behind the history of Indonesian independence. The history of the struggle for Indonesian independence is certainly not obtained in an easy way, many events have been passed and there have been many important events that occurred until independence in Indonesia was achieved.

In the Renville agreement (Establishment of the United States of Indonesia) Indonesia chose Australia as its representative in the KTN (Three Nations Commission). Australia was appointed to represent Indonesia because the Labor Party in Australia sympathized with Indonesia's struggle for independence.

 The support of the Labor Party was proven by the Black Armada incident on September 24, 1945, namely the boycott of Dutch ships carrying Dutch troops back to Indonesia. Apart from that, there was also a demonstration in front of the Dutch ship's office in Sydney demanding that the Dutch leave Indonesia.

The Dutch government exiled the Digulis to Australia because they had concessions in Brisbane. Lawrence also said that on April 8, 1942, the Netherlands established the Netherlands Indies Commissions in Australia chaired by H.L van Mook with Ch. O van der Plas as chief commissioner for Australia and New Zealand. Van der Plas, who also serves as Governor of East Java, played an important role in transferring Digul's political prisoner to Australia.

Van der Plas went to Digul to persuade the prisoners by inviting them to work together against fascism. The Digulis were later referred to as prisoners of war who helped the Japanese when they were about to be sent to Australia. If the Netherlands recognizes them as political prisoners there will be problems with society and the Australian government, said Bonnie. The Australian government has turned a blind eye and ear.

They say that they are dangerous. It's clear Van der Plas doesn't care how the Digulis, the government and the Australian community feel when they realize they are being lied to, Lawrence said. When the detainees arrived at the port in Brisbane, they were given red sweaters as a sign of their status as prisoners of war. Arriving in Australia, even while traveling on the train, the detainees wrote a letter stating that they were Dutch political prisoners and had never violated the law and had even joined the war against Australia.

The only criminal act they committed was to become an activist for Indonesian independence. The letter was then picked up from the station platform and attracted the attention of the Australian Communist Party, the Australian Labor Party, various government ministers and activists," he said. With strong evidence that they were not prisoners of war and pressure from the media, the Digulis were released after several months, he added. The Dutch sent them to Mackay, North Queensland.

In Australia, the NIC has prepared a structure, namely Indonesians can find a place to live and work but the Dutch still control their movement," said Lawrence.

In the film Indonesia Calling, you can watch Australian port workers, Indian seafarers, and Chinese join in on the action. In addition, the Brisbane-based Committee for Independent Indonesia with Bondan as secretary contacted the Australian government to request and ensure that the former Digulis could return to Indonesia safely, said Lawrence. 

"This is of great concern because the Australian government agreed to help despite the Dutch ban," he said. The film Indonesia Calling also shows that in October 1945, 1,400 Indonesians left Australia for Java.

To ensure the Esprance Bay ship carrying them did not dock at a Dutch-controlled port, one Australian government worker set sail to ensure they arrived safely. After the Indonesian sailors returned home, Australian activists along with Indian sailors and Chinese sailors continued to boycott Dutch ships. 

Although there were many Australian sailors on board, the majority of them were Indian sailors. They played a big war and weren't even fully recognized by the Australian union movement, Lawrence said.

The Australian government itself, he added, was in a dilemma of wanting to fight the Dutch and the Dutch were not happy that they were helping the Indonesian movement. Australia wanted to help their new neighbor's independence movement which would later have a major stake in international relations. The role of the Australian government is also difficult.  

Indonesia and Australia are two countries in the Pacific connected by trade and discovery routes, Indonesia and Australia are countries that are next to each other. The war had made the countries of Indonesia and Australia break sea relations, but after the war, one of the ships that sailed was the Esperance Bay (October) sailing from Australia to Indonesia.

1400 Indonesians left Australia by Esperance bay for Java with government assurances that they would not land in Dutch-controlled ports. An Australian official went with them to confirm the guarantee. Friends, lovers, companions filled the harbor and said goodbye. Behind this story there is a story about ships that do not sail.

One day there was a humanitarian aid ship loaded with food and medicine, the Dutch did not know about the firearms and ammunition that had been reported by port workers, but they could not refute the statement from the prime minister of Australia (Mr. Chifley).

Australia Supports Indonesia's Independence!!!

Let the Indonesian Nation Gain Indonesian Independence!!!

Australia : "Don't Fight For Dutch Imperialism!!!"

However, the Netherlands still does not want to hear the reality

Indonesia Calling, Indonesia Calling

With the sound of gun banging, the freedom fighters who were in Australia heard voices from their homeland, where they were required to keep fighting for the independence of the Indonesian nation to hold back Dutch ships carrying weapons against Indonesia. Now clashes are real, wharf workers are leaving ship after ship in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney in all Australian ports. The black ban has spread as other unions have joined forces. Shipping employees disobeyed Dutch orders. 

Australian sailors were involved from the start, then they were joined by 11 crew members of the British ship, moreton bay, who preferred to leave their ships rather than transport troops to Java. Letters of support came from Harry Bridges, President of the American Longshoreman's Union and from China, India, Malaya, New Zealand and Canadian seafarers and dock workers.

Along the wharf all the boats are stationary, all workers from every country support the action of Australian workers. The time has come for the voices of the leaders who support the Atlantic Charter, Pandit Nehru and Jinnah from India, Manuilsky and Vyshinsky from the Soviet Union and President Romulo from the Philippines who joined in protesting with the armed forces to suppress the Indonesian nation. Actions taken by other countries are things that really deserve to be appreciated and always remembered because of the very high solidarity and mutual support for one another.

In the biggest meeting in Domain, a soldier again reported that the Indonesian people had proven they could lead their own country. Also not forgetting, the representatives of the Indonesian nation also expressed their gratitude to other countries that had helped detain ships containing weapons against the Indonesian nation.

While at the Indonesian Seafarers' Union office, Max Sekantu and Tukliwan inspected the ships that did not sail, namely: Verspijk black, Van der Lin black, Pahud black, Tosari black, Tasman black, Jansen and Bontekoe black, Van Swoll. -black, Van Heutsz-black, Swarten-one detached, with Indian crew. Not long after, we went to try to catch the ship. Because almost everyone probably did not know what this one ship meant, the ship violated the prohibition, namely the Dutch succeeded in sneaking in by placing an Indian crew. 

The workers who chased the ship also tried very hard so that the weapons did not reach Indonesia. And finally the crew of the Indian ship returned to Australia, they managed to make the ship turn around and stop its journey to Indonesia. Then they all held a celebratory gathering on a nearby street corner near the harbor in Australia.

Secretary General of the Waterside Workers Federation, Jim Healey. Declared by Britain and America and agreed by Russia there are principles that must be applied in the Pacific region and for the Indonesian Nation. Together with the Indonesian nation, we will do our best to destroy all efforts of Dutch imperialism. Then the Chinese sailors raised funds again, which brought their contribution to the Indonesian Nation to 1100. Chinese citizens also support the Indonesian national movement. 

After that, Indonesia and its allies moved forward, namely the nation of 5 countries that had united and moved towards other battles, and under them under the floating bridges the ships did not sail, the ships did not sail so that the new republic ( Indonesian independence) can live.

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