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Annisa Rizki
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Mahasiswi Universitas Pamulang



Ilmu Sosbud

Paying Taxes for Development Purpose

22 Januari 2022   00:15 Diperbarui: 22 Januari 2022   00:29 102
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c. Capital goods and technology level

d. Social systems and attitudes of society

e. Market area as a source of growth

f. Number and quality of population and workforce

The importance of the role of taxes for the development of the State, namely:

1. Development of infrastructure and public facilities that are going well

Various infrastructure and public facilities can be built properly through funds obtained or sourced from taxes. The construction of public facilities can develop rapidly with funds originating from tax payments. Every traditional market can be developed into a modern one as a convenient and safe shopping center. All of that is financed by the taxes you have paid.

2. Equitable and quality educational facilities

By being obedient to paying taxes on time, you can help to improve the quality of education equally for everyone. When everyone obeys paying taxes, education will be more secure and equitable for every community.

3. Availability of health facilities that meet the standards for every community

When you pay taxes, any program to improve the quality of public health can also run more smoothly. Such as steps to improve the nutrition of pregnant women, toddlers, the community, as well as improving health services for the elderly.

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