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Annisa Effendi
Annisa Effendi Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

My name is Annisa, commonly known as Chamell. I am a first-semester student in Class B at UPI, majoring in English Education, and my student ID number is 2400783.




Capitalizing on the Roles of Grammar and Phonology for English Speaking Fluency.

6 Januari 2025   12:10 Diperbarui: 6 Januari 2025   12:10 390
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Take the word "object ". "OBject" is a noun formed by stressing the first syllable, while "obJECT" becomes pronounced as if stressed by the second. Your grammar may be impeccable, but stress can cause confusion.

Fluency is facilitated by the use of phonology, which facilitates word connections in speech. English language has a strong correlation between words, such as the transitions of "want to" and "wanna," which can help to make your speech more natural.

Tips for Mastering Phonology.

Pay attention to the accent of native speakers and incorporate intonation when possible. Exceptional sources include podcasts, films, and songs.

2. The repetition of phrases after coming out of the speaker can enhance your rhythm and pronunciation.

3. Achieving proficiency with phonetic symbols and their specific pronunciations of IPA is also possible.

4. Practice stress and intonation by focusing on key words in the sentence, while mimicking how to sound like from your native speakers.

The Role of Grammar and Phonology in Fluency in Language Development.

Grammar and phonology are dissimilar, but they have a significant connection. The grammar of a sentence is determined by its structure, but the sound of that sentence in speech is dictated by phonology. Fluency requires the integration of both aspects into your practice.

1. As a grammar correction, vocalize your sentences while practicing. The natural stress and the flow of words should be taken into account.

2. Identify your mistakes in grammar and pronunciation by listening to recordings of your speech.

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