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Anisah Nur Fadilla
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Ilmu Sosbud

Dissecting the Concept of Islamic Politics (Traditional and Transformation)

14 Juni 2024   15:42 Diperbarui: 14 Juni 2024   15:46 243
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

In recent decades, political Islam has become a hot topic of discussion in many parts of the world. From the Middle East to Southeast Asia, political movements rooted in Islam have played an important role in influencing the political, social and cultural order. For example, in Muslim-majority Indonesia, Islam-based political parties have emerged as a major force in the democratization process. In fact, they play an important role in shaping policy and championing Islamic values in the political sphere. Changes and transformations are taking place in Islamic politics, especially in terms of ideology, strategy and tactics. Some Islamic political movements have begun to adopt a more moderate and inclusive approach, while others have remained steadfast to their conservative or radical views.
What exactly is the concept and theory of Islamic politics, so that it has such a significant impact.
In the book "Islam and Politics", by Jhon L. Esposito, it is explained that in the Islamic tradition, there is no strict separation between religion and the state as in Western understanding. Instead, Islam and the state are considered an inseparable unity, with Islamic law (sharia) being the foundation for the formation of state laws and policies. He also highlighted that in Islamic history, the Ummah has often played an active role in the formation of political policies and the enforcement of just laws, as well as the complexities and implications in the modern world context of Islamic politics.

Islamic politics is controversial by nature, as Islamic political movements are often perceived as symbols of opposition to the existing government, while in other places they are perceived as a threat to stability and pluralism.
Even in the book "Political Islam: A Critical Reader" by Fredric Volpi, there is also an in-depth explanation of the Islamic political movement in various countries including in Indonesia.

A comparison of Islamic political movements in Indonesia with movements in other countries can provide insight into differences in ideology, strategy and tactics. For example, in the field of ideology, in Indonesia itself the majority of Movements tend to adopt moderate and inclusive approach. They often seek to operate within a democratic framework and recognize social pluralism. In Egypt, on the other hand, there are more radical Islamic political movements that champion strict sharia warfare, reject secular democracy and advocate the establishment of a state based on Islamic law.

If we look at the political role of Islam, perhaps one important aspect is in the democratization process, in this case it seems that the title of the book "Islam and Democracy: Fatima Mernissi's Fear of the Modern World" has a correlation. She provides valuable insights into the role of Islamic politics in democratization, although her focus is not on Indonesia specifically. However, by referring to the concepts discussed in this book, we can see how Islamic politics plays an important role in strengthening the democratization process, through upholding the principles of justice, encouraging political participation, as well as supporting pluralism and tolerance.
Clearly, in his view, Islamic politics plays an important role in realizing an inclusive and just democracy.

One of the biggest challenges facing Islamic politics is how to balance between religious aspirations and political needs. Amidst the increasing tension between modernity and tradition, Islamic political movements are faced with the demand to adapt to changing times without losing their religious identity. As in the book "Islamism: A Historical of Political Islam" by Jonathan A.C. Brown, which provides an in-depth understanding of the trends and transformations of Islamic politics in various contexts, such as ideological shifts, responses to global social and political changes, and how Islamic politics adapt to social change.
The importance of disseminating an understanding of the dynamics of Islamic politics is not only limited to the local level, but also has a significant global impact. This is because the development of the concept of Islamic politics will have an influence on international relations, regional stability, and paradigm shifts in global politics. To gain a holistic understanding of the dynamics of Islamic politics requires in-depth research, as well as a multifaceted approach. It is centered on context, complexity, and dynamics that change from time to time. Hopefully, this article will shed some light on the concept of Islamic politics in the modern era.

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