“Menyelami Dunia Anak: Beragam Minat yang Membentuk
Masa Kanak-Kanak”
Murhima A Kau, S.Psi, M.Si, Psikolog, Irvan Usman S.Psi, M. Muthmainnah Ibrahim, S.Psi, M,Psi,
Anggun Khairun Nisa Tolinggi, Eka Iriany Rahmania
Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Email: anggunangun.gmail.com, ekariany6@gmail.com
Childhood is a foundational stage that significantly influences an individual’s life trajectory, where a child’s interests and talents play a crucial role in shaping creativity, character, and personal development. This article explores various interests that emerge during childhood, such as interests in the body, appearance, names, religion, and future careers. These interests are influenced by psychological, environmental, social, and individual factors but also face challenges such as diverse interests, environmental pressures, resource limitations, and stress. Using a qualitative approach based on literature review, this article highlights the importance of strategies such as differentiated learning, literacy enhancement, teacher training, and parental involvement in supporting children’s development. A deep understanding and effective management of children’s interests can create a supportive environment for their growth, allowing them to maximize their potential and achieve success in the future
Keywords: interests, childhood